Castle Grump

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AN: Sorry I haven't updated I have been busy with the start of school and life in general

Kara's POV

I grin up at the large castle on the cliff.

It was off in the distance still I had another hour or two of hiking up the long trail before I reached the isolated stone building.

I could hear distant waves crashing and continuing heading in the direction of the castle. There was no need to fly or use superspeed cause I was enjoying the nature around me.

Harley's POV

Wanda and I are walking down one of the many hallways.

Her red hair hung loosely at her shoulders we had just finished our daily chores. My shoulder-length blonde hair was tied back in a low ponytail as we pass by the Library on our route to the kitchen for dinner.

My eyes widen when we see a tall blonde standing there looking around in awe at our hallway.

Wanda clears their throat and says "Excuse me, but what are you doing in this castle? It is private property."

She quickly walks up and takes Wanda's hand and then mine in a handshake as she says "HI! My name is Kara. I have traveled a really far distance to come to this castle. See the thing is I really like mutant powers."

Why was this girl interested in people with powers?

Wanda and I share a concerned look before I look back at her and say "I am sorry but what led you to believe that this place has anything to do with mutant powers?"

She giggles lightly and says "Right well there are a ton of rumors in the next town over that this place holds the strongest mutant anyone has ever heard of. And I have traveled all over the place and talked to many other mutants to share their story and end the stigma. I wanted to interview whoever lived here. Everyone says this is the place to go but everyone is scared cause the person who lives here is supposed to be so strong. Do either of you have mutant powers? I can add you to the interviews for the book. Who is stronger? If you have powers you have to tell me." while pointing a threatening finger at us.

Our eyebrows raise even higher as Wanda says "There are no mutant people here." lying through her teeth. "But the woman who owns it has quite a temper and does not like people you should leave now before she notices your presence."

Confusion is clear in her light blue eyes as she says "Then why are you allowed to be here?"

My jaw tightens at the thought of our powers.

See the thing is people with mutant powers are a minority that have no rights and are currently being hunted and tagged by the government.

There aren't many of us but you are considered an abomination when your powers are discovered. The fact that this person is trying to share mutant people's stories will not be received well.

I answer this time saying "We are her family. We got thrown out by our parents and found this place abandoned. We moved in and live here alone with each other. Even with that she avoids us and locks herself in her room for most of the day. She only comes down for food which she will be doing soon. So you need to leave" frustration seeping into my voice.

Her eyebrows furrow and she crosses her arms as she says "No. Not until you show me someone with mutant powers." Wanda growls finally losing her temper completely and blasts her back with more force than she probably intended as the girl flies through a near-bye wall and into the surrounding outdoors. Thankfully it wasn't the wall that drops off to the ocean.

I raise an eyebrow at my friend and say "That was a bit much."

She rolls her eyes at me and says "You heard that girl. She wasn't going to leave" we heard the tapping of loud heels from the near bye staircase she quickly adds in a low voice "And I would rather deal with the consequences of that later than face the wrath of Lena"

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