She is who now?

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AN: Hey hey hey! I am so excited to write this chapter I really hope you enjoy it!

Also!!! I have an Instagram that I am starting to put book recommendations on (All queer)! I would really appreciate it if you all could go follow me and support me! The account is books_chaos12! I really want to share my love of books with the world and all of you!

Kara's POV

I land on the balcony after receiving a come in order ASAP order from Alex.

I don't let my steps falter when I feel the immense amount of tension wash over me. I can hear whispers throughout the whole building but there are too many voices to decipher.

I walk up to the center console and see Winn sitting there nervously tapping his foot.

He looks up at the sound of my footsteps and starts to say something but stops when he sees something behind me.

I turn slightly and tense when I see Lena walking into the DEO in one of her maroon pantsuits that makes my mouth run dry.

I didn't notice Winn stand up while I was distracted by staring at Lena.

Lena comes to a stop in front of me glaring at me as she says "What am I doing here Supergirl?" with a glare in my direction.

She hasn't exactly forgiven me since she found out I was Supergirl and didn't tell her for 3 years.

Which honestly is understandable... I don't even know why I didn't tell her earlier. I mean I ruined all chances of her ever liking me back.

It's not like she is evil or anything I know she is a good person but something stopped me.

Winn clears his throat before I could say anything and says "Miss Luthor, Supergirl isn't the one who called you in. Director Danvers called you both in."

"What does Alex want?" I question.

"You don't know?" Lena asks surprised.

"No," I say. "Alex just told me to come in."

"Yes. It's because-" He pauses. "Well, I think you both will just need to see it to believe it."

We both are confused as to what is waiting for us but follow after Winn who leads us to the back elevator that leads to the basement labs.

Winn is nervously tapping his foot as we descend to my sister's private labs.

Even in the elevator, the voices from the whole building are threatening to overwhelm me.

I close my eyes and do what my mom and Alex taught me and try and find one thing to focus on but there is just too much going on that I can't find one thing to focus on.

It is brief and I thought I imagined it but I feel Lena's hand brush against mine for a second.

I glance down and I see her starring ahead but the brief contact whether was on purpose or not, saved me from losing control of my powers. I take a deep breath and zone in the familiar beat of Lena's heart.

It has been close to 2 months since I told her about my identity and she ended our friendship. It was a startling realization that it has been almost three months since I last used Lena's heartbeat to calm myself down in overwhelming situations.

In- In the past it has been my lifeline to reality when the world came collapsing around me, but the fight made it feel like it was wrong to use her heartbeat when she doesn't see me as a friend anymore.

I don't realize we were out of the elevator and walking towards Alex's lab until we are outside the door.

Winn types in the code and lets us in.

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