The Star and The Shadow

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AN: I'm alive! Hi sorry I haven't posted I have just had absolutely no ideas for stories and this is a conversion from an old book but I hope you enjoy it. 

I like this story idea and I am sorry if it's not my best.  

Lena's POV

"Okay let's run from page 12 again now that we have the blocking down! Remember the notes I gave you Kara." Our director Mr. Jones says to one of our leads. 

I sigh from backstage right and walk on stage to reset the stage and all the props.

We are doing Addams Family as our musical and we were working the scene where Wednesday is singing about how Lucas is pulling her in a new direction and that she is confused and excited. 

Ha if that isn't a gay analogy I have no idea what is. 

It only takes a minute to reset the stage but it could have gone a lot faster if the freaking actors would help me and the other techies out. But of course, they don't and they are all in their little worlds.

I roll my eyes as I finally finish resetting the torture rack and turn to Mr. Jones as I say "We are good Mr. Jones" 

He gives me a nod and says "This is our last song of the night you can dismiss your techs" I nod as he turns his attention to the two actors on stage and says. "Okay, Kara" the name of the girl playing Wednesday "and Winn" the boy playing Pugsley "Places please!"

I walk-off stage and back to the backstage area where all of the crew was hanging out.

I smile at all of them and say "Okay crew you guys are dismissed! Have a good night and get home safe"

They quickly stand and everyone says some sort of goodbye to me as they walk out. 

Once everyone is gone I grab my phone, earphones, and a broom and start sweeping the sawdust that was left on the ground.

I turn on my 'Belt' playlist and the first song that shows up was 'Rolling in the deep' by Adelle.

I hum for the beginning minute of the song and it gets to the chorus and I start singing under my breath.

Kara's POV


I mean don't get me wrong I love this role and I am so happy that I got it but our director is too much of a perfectionist and keeps giving me notes on how to make it better.

I hear a sigh on stage right and turn and see our stage manager walk onto the stage to reset everything.

I feel bad for Lena.

She is probably one of the nicest most hard-working people on the whole cast and sometimes Mr. Jones abuses her by giving her way too many responsibilities.

I mean she designed the set, runs crew, found most of the props that we are going to use, plus a ton of other stuff I don't even know about.

She is perfect...

I see her give me a side glance as she resets the torture machine.

I wish I knew how to help reset it so I wasn't just standing around like a useless actress but my voice is so strained I could barely talk or sing right now.

I sigh and look down at my hands.

Mr. Jones calls places and Lena walks off stage.

I take a deep breath and stand where I am supposed to at the beginning.

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