Body Swap

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AN: I have done something similar to this in the past but pretty much Kara and Lena are fighting because Kara told her she was Supergirl and Lena was pissed and they wish never to have met each other and in a cosmic (Kryptonite) twist of fate they switch bodies when they wake up 

Kara's POV

"Why can't you just trust me at my word" I shout while throwing my hands in the air. "I have told you a million times it was never about your name." 

"And I told you there is no other explanation for why you wouldn't tell me earlier," Lena says glaring at her friend. 

"There is!" I say immediately. I didn't want to throw Alex and Jo'nn under the bus because they made me not tell her for the first year and a half of our friendship... "I just-"

"Can't give me any information on that reason." all of the energy is sucked out of Lena and she slumps onto a nearby park bench. "I just- I just can't Kara. Saying there is a reason but not explaining it isn't enough. You lied. For three years. Our entire friendship was built on that lie."

"What are you saying, Lena?" 

"I am saying our friendship is over until you can give me a reason and- and honestly maybe after that. Kara this doesn't feel like something we can get past-" She looks at me and it breaks my heart into a 1000 pieces to see the heart in her eyes. "I don't want to see you again Kara." 

Before I can speak there is a bright flash that blinds the both of us then both of us lose consciousness. 

3rd Person POV

Alex taps on her tablet as she stares nervously at the two sleeping forms in the med bay. 

Kara was supposed to call her after her talk with Lena and when two hours passed with not even a text Alex followed her tracker and found Lena and Kara unconscious near a park bench. 

She immediately called the DEO and had them flow to the med bay where immediately began treating them but found there was nothing medically wrong with either. Kara's heart rate was a bit higher then normal but her heart rate was generally lower than most humans and it was still within normal range. 

Lena startles awake and sits up looking around in fear for a minute before she processes her surroundings and takes a deep breath. 

"Alex thank Rao. Do you know what happened to us? Cause I have no memory after asking Lena to walk-" Alex's look of absolute confusion and fear causes Lena to pause mid-sentence.  "What Alex?" 

"You just said- you said, Rao and Lena. So you are telling me you are-" 

"Kara Danvers. Have been since the day your family adopted me when I was Kara Zor-" fear and panic were still on Alex's face which confused the hell out of Kara. "Alex you are freaking me out a bit what's wrong..." 

"Ahh, I am not sure how to tell you this- but if you aren't lying to me which seems to be the case but you are currently in Lena's body." 

"Wait what?" Kara in Lena's body starts laughing loudly "You are playing a prank on me very fun now tell me what really happened" 

It's at that moment Lena sits up in Kara's body and opens her eyes sending a blast of heat vision about three feet to my right. Alex immediately says "LENA CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Thankfully Lena isn't disoriented from waking up enough not to listen and immediately does as told. Alex walks over to a panel and type in a secret code and turn on the red sun emitters. "Okay you should be fine Lena" 

Lena slowly opens Kara's eyes and finally looks around the room to see Kara in her own body

(AN From now on if I say kara or lena they are in the others body until noted otherwise)

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