God I love that Girl (supercorp x catradora)

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AN: I was inspired by something and I completely forget what it was but I hope you enjoy the story. Also I am going to change some things about characters stories (mostly adora but might be others to)

Kara's POV

'You are kidding me right?' I say in total and utter shock of the shorter blonde in front of me.

She throws her head back laughing as she says 'I am not! I grow like three feet taller, get a hair upgrade, become insanely strong, and I have this boss sword that has magical abilities!'

I pout while looking at me new friend and say 'I wish I had a sword'

She laughs harder at me so I punch her on her arm.

I don't use my super strength but she still yelps and rubs her arm as she glares at me.

We are currently sitting out in the middle of the forrest of our boarding school.

I always come out here to clear my mind and maybe punch a tree or two during storms. Oh it's the best when I fly through the trees or high up in the clouds.

Adora lies back onto her back and says 'I can't believe we are both aliens. It almost seems unreal. I always felt out of place here on earth and it is so nice to finally have someone to talk to about stuff!'

I nod my agreement and says 'Oh totally! I really miss the stars! Earth stars have nothing on the ones that I saw on my home planet.'

Adora nods her agreement and says 'True but you should visit Yosemite at some point! That is the only place in the world were there is so little light pollution that you can really see the stars.'

I think about were Yosemite is from here and how long it would take me to fly there as I say 'I will have to fly there sometime soon'

She glares at me and says 'I may have a sword but you can fly! I should be the jealous one not you!'

I roll my eyes and say 'True' while chuckling. I smile down at the girl who was starring up at the evening sky. I stand and offer her my hand as I say 'We should get back it is getting late and my sister is probably getting worried'

Adora grabs my hand and I pull her up before we walk back toward school pushing each other and laughing about things that are different for us as aliens versus humans.

Catra's POV

I am sitting up on the roof watching the sun set when I see a raven haired girl walk out onto the balcony that.

Her back was to me and I see her starring off toward the forrest.

My attention is drawn away from the girl when I hear loud laughter.

I look toward the forrest and see two blondes shoving each other lightly while talking and laughing.

I raise an eyebrow when I realize one of them is my best friend, and secret crush, Adora.

I glare at the taller blonde when she trips Adora who grabs her shirt and pulls her to the ground.

My attention is pulled to below me when I hear the girl say 'Who the fuck is that?'

I hop off of the roof so I am next to her as I say 'My question exactly...'

She jumps slightly and gives me a weird glance before saying 'Why is that your question?'

I point to Adora who is standing on the left of the other blonde as I say 'That girl is my best friend Adora and my question who is blondie next to her'

The raven haired girl says 'That's Kara she is my best friend. Why are they together though? I have never seen them together'

I nod and say 'Adora and I just transferred here. We have only been here for about a week, so it makes sense why we haven't seen them together. But yet they seem so close... I don't know why but I get a weird vibe from her' I can feel the Raven haired girl glaring at me so I quickly say 'Nothing against your friend! I just-' while giving her an apologetic look.

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