Hockey AU

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An: HIIIII I am writing this from my phone so I apologize for any spelling errors! Also this is a hockey AU and I know VERY little about this sport but I hope you enjoy it regardless, it's gonna be a shorter chapter

Alex's POV
"Welcome to the first practice of UCONN women's ice hockey." Alex says as she addresses the 11 girls in front of her. She helped the US win gold at the last Olympics and decided it was time retire but an old friend was the athletics director and offered her the head coach job. Thankfully her little sister had already gotten on to the team so there was no favoritism in her recruitment. The team knows that she is my sister and Kara is always the first to call me in favoritism if I show it but I never do. She is the best goalie in the country and doesn't need favoritism to help her.

We have two new players this year who are supposed to be a world ranked speed skater and figure skater. No experience with hockey but that can be fixed and with their speed and Grace we will be unstoppable.

Speaking of....

"Excuse me we are here for practice but don't know where to find well... anything"

I smile at the two and say "Of course. Kar would you mind showing them the locker room and helping them suit up."

Kara pouts for a second but quickly skates over and leads the girls to the locker room

Kara's POV
"Welcome to the team. What are your guys' names?" I say as we walk into the locker room

"I am Lena," the raven-haired woman says "this is Natasha, but everyone calls her Nat"

"Nice to meet you both" Kara says as they finally enter the locker room and Kara shows them how to put on all the gear as quickly as possible but it still takes them the majority of practice to get a handle on it. The trio is getting along great

Alex peaks her head into the locker room and says "We are heading to conditioning. Get them accustomed to hockey skates and shooting as best you can. I know you are going to the gym later so just get some extra reps in. Love you Kar see you at home." 

I nod and say "Love you Alex see you at home." 

"Do we have to keep a secret that you and the coach are an item?" Nat says in a joking tone. Lena seemed completely uninterested as we walk back to the rink. 

"No Alex is actually my older sister. We don't look alike because I am adopted." 

"Oh, that makes sense. I was adopted as well but my brother is not nearly as nice as Alex seems to be." Lena says paying more attention once again.

They get on the ice and immediately Lena and Nat fall on their butts. Thankfully they have a lot of pads on and just start laughing. 

I join in before giving them a hand up before helping them up and showing them how to balance on hockey skates versus the figure skates they were used to. 

It took them all of 20 minutes to be skating around well enough to hold sticks and start learning to shoot. 

I knew they would pick up skating fast but they were shooting better than our defensive players within the hour. 

"You are annoyingly quick learners," I say as we wrap up after the third hour or so. 

"As soon as Coach Danvers we started studying the mechanics of the sport. After that, it wasn't too difficult." Nat says with a shrug. 

"Well, you guys should be fine from now on at practice. Just from eyeballing it, you are faster than the entire team already so with a touch more practice this team will be unstoppable." 

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