My Best Friend

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AN: Short chapter but I hope you enjoy it! 

Lena's POV

 I am currently staring at my bedroom ceiling at 2 in the morning because I can't sleep because all I can think about are her damn ocean blue eyes.

I sigh and stand up grabbing a pair of sweats and my leather jacket and throw them on along with slippers. It's a weird combination I know. 

 I put my raven hair into a quick braid so it won't get in my eyes when I drive to her house.

My parents are always traveling and my brother is in jail so I don't have to worry about anyone caring that I am leaving this early. 

I spend most nights at her house anyway.

Her... Kara Danvers, the human embodiment of sunshine and everything that is good in this world. My best friend in the whole world since we were 5. 

And because I am the dumbest person alive I caught feelings for her. 

I need to get over these damn feelings for her though...

 I have known her since we were itty bitty when she stood up for me against bullies. Since then I swore to never leave her side and always protect her to the best of my abilities, but now... I don't know if I can be around her without blurting my feelings out loud.

It is getting literally painful to be around her.

And yet I am going to spend the night at her house...

BUT this is the last time for a while, I am going to put some distance between her and I.

------------------ (time skip to Monday)

Okay so mission distance myself from Kara is in action 

She seems sad...

I feel bad because I can tell my distancing myself from her has affected her but I can't cave in yet. I need to lose these damn feelings for her so our friendship can survive and If that means my heart gets broken so I can keep being friends with her I will do it. And if it means that she may be heart in the short term then that is what is going to happen for now. 

I walk out of class and see her walking toward me and immediately turn the opposite way and speed walk to my next class. I can't talk to her it is too hard right now.

Before I turn the corner I glance back and see sadness in her eyes 


*Time skip to later at Lena's place on Friday (after continuing to ignore her all week)

I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I heard the doorbell ring. I get up and walk to the door and open it to see Kara with tears in her eyes and her fist clenched at her side as she practically yells "What did I do?" 

I shake off my confusion as I say "What?"

"What the fuck did I do to deserve my best friend in the whole world, the person I care more about than my own life ignoring me! What did I do to make you start hating me and ignore me!" She screams "What did I do because it's been eating at me and I need to know if you hate me and just tell me what the fuck I did so I can make it up to you and get our friendship back!" The tears start coming faster as she practically whispers in between sobs "just talk to me"

I am so shocked by her outburst. I didn't think it affected her as much as this. I stutter out a small "You didn't do anything..." before taking a breath to gather myself and explaining "I have just been having a rough week I am trying to get over my feelings for someone and just wanted to be alone for a while I never wanted or meant to hurt you."

"I am your best friend. We grew up together! Why couldn't you just tell me that you liked someone! We always tell each other these things" she says a little frustrated and with underlying sadness in her tone.

"You tell me these things!" I snap because every time she tells me about a new crush of hers or a new date she went on it feels like a part of my heart is ripped apart "I have never told you about this person because I am in love with her!"

I scream getting slightly frustrated that she was the person I am in love with and I can't tell her.

"Why don't you tell me?" she says equally as frustrated

"Because I am in love with her so much that it hurts in every aching bone in my body and it is too hard to even be around her because all I want to do is kiss her and I can't! And to even acknowledge my feelings out loud when I have no chance just feels like my heart is getting stomped on. " I shout losing my temper

"Who is it!???" She shouts "Who do you love that much!"

"IT"S YOU!" I shout back and immediately slap a hand over my mouth wishing I could take it back. But I can't so no going back now. "I am in love with you Kara. And trust me I am perfectly aware that you don't feel the same so give me some time to lose my feelings and we can go back to our normal routine of being best friends."  I sigh frustrated that I let it slip. I ran a hand through my hair "Kara you mean too much to me for this to ruin our friendship so I hope you understand that I need some space to work through this and that we can be friends after."

She just stands there stunned with tears streaming down her face. "Goodbye Kara, " I say taking her silence as rejection and her not wanting to talk or speak to me ever again which broke my heart. As I start to turn back toward my door to go back inside I feel her grab my arm and spin me around to face her again. 

I was about to protest when I felt the softest pair of lips I had ever felt on mine keeping me from talking. I realize what is happening and immediately kiss back trying to savor what is happening as I bury my hands in my hair to keep her close.

After a minute or so of the world-spinning kiss, but we both needed to breathe so she pulled back slightly but rested her forehead against mine. Neither of us wanting to be out of each other's space.  

We are both breathing heavily and I am trying to figure out if this is real or a dream because that kiss was too good to be true. 

After a small silence, she says "Lena I have been in love with you since I understood what being in love was but I never thought you would ever love me back. I tried dating other people to see if I could get rid of my feelings for you but I see now how dumb that was. I hope you can forgive me?" She says with a smile on her lips that I am trying very hard not to kiss again. 

"I will forgive you if you let me take you on a date." 


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