Blue Gems PT 2

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AN: Here is pt 2! Enjoy! 

Once again thank you @The_Phantom6 for working on this with me. You made this story incredible and I couldn't have done it without you! I consider you a friend and I hope you consider me one as well (Even though you are a child baby (it's an inside joke)) 

If the writing style is different POV to POV it is because @The_Phantom6 wrote Kara's POV and I wrote Lena's! 


Lena's POV

It has been a week... One freaking week!


AND she still has my fucking ring...My fucking ring!

I mean part of me wants to smack her or try and stab her and the other part of me wants to kiss her and then give her that ring as a marriage proposal-

Okay well Lena that's a little forward, considering you have met this woman once, while she held you and your best friend at knife point and robbed you, but still something about her is so intriguing.

I want to know more. I want to know everything.

I looked up from the book. I was failing to pay attention, when I heard a knock on my door.


A smile comes to my face, when I see Mon-el walk into the room.

He smiles back as he says rather excitedly: "Lena I have news!"

"And what news do you have?" I ask, very excited for the news...Okay, I'm way too excited.

"We have found someone to be your more permanent guard. They have the same orders as the other, but it will be easier to have just one person focused on your protection."

"That is wonderful! When will I meet him?"

Mon-el smirks and says: "Right now. And I thought you would enjoy having a female guard more...Better eye candy." With a teasing wink, but before I could argue he is already opening the door.

A guard in a nice set of armor walks in, with oddly familiar brown eyes walks in.

I couldn't place were I knew them from though...But it's right on the tip of my tongue.

She bows lowly, as she says in a firm voice: "It is an honor to be of service your majesty."

"I look forward to getting to know you...?" It sounded more like a question, than a greeting...Gosh I'm a mess.

"Robin. It's a pleasure." She introduces, bowing to me.

I freeze at the name, remembering the blue eyed thief. Everything seemed to remind me of her this last week. Her short red hair was pushed out of her eyes as she stood from the bow.

"The pleasure is mine." I reply, giving the night a welcoming smile.

My attention moves away from her to Mon-el, as he says: "Robin will be your knight, but you still may see other guards when Robin needs a rest. She has the same orders as the other guards so you will not see her unless you want to."

"Perfect." I say, giving Mon-el a thankful smile.

He winks at me discreetly, before kindly saying: "I hope you will join me for dinner tonight my love, we must continue planning our wedding."

I resist the urge to laugh and roll my eyes at my 'fiancé', but what surprises me, is seeing my guard stiffen lightly...Weird.

I side eye her, as I say: "I would be honored to join you for dinner, but I have some things to do in my library. I will see you in a couple of hours"

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