Second Gen

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AN: This is a rewrite of an old story of mine and I can make it multipart so lmk if you enjoy it!

Also, I was looking back on my photos and I saw a photo I took right when I started writing this book in November 2020 (the photo was from December of that year) It is crazy to see how much my writing has grown and changed. The chapter that I hold dearest in my heart had 22 reads at the time it is now at 4.89K! The entire story probably had less than a thousand reads at the time and now has 54K! This book has been my baby and I love writing these one-shots more than anything (besides you all of course) You have literally changed my life and inspired me more than you will ever know! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Idk what yet but I am going to write a special anniversary chapter on the day I first published this book!


Astra POV

"Astra! Kieran! hurry up! You are gonna be late!" mom calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" I call back while I pull my shirt over my head and fix my black hair into a pony tail.

I move to my twin and shake her awake before I leave the room.

I head downstairs where I grab a plate full of bacon and pancakes.

Kieran bounds down the stairs and grabs her plate of eggs and bacon before plopping down next to me.

My blonde mama raises an eyebrow at us before saying "Girls some of your aunts and uncles are coming over for dinner so please be home by 5:30,"

"Got it, mom!" Kieran says as she quickly finishes her food and leaves to grab our bags. I finish quickly after and grab our plates and put them in the sink.

I turn back around and kiss both of my mom's on the check before meeting my sister at our car so we can head to school.

"You driving?" I question.

"Sure, you can drive tomorrow."

I hop into the passenger seat and start to grab the aux cord but get my hand smacked by my sister who says "House rules Astra. Driver picks the music. Shut gun deals with it." I roll my eyes as my secretly dorky sister starts blasting Heathers the musical. My blonde sister unfortunately took after my mama's love of musicals.

It takes us about 10 minutes to get to school.

"I am going to study during 7th so I can give you a ride home I will meet you in the library courtyard." Kieran says as we head towards the entrance of school.

"Okay have a good day sissy," I say with a smile.

"Bye dork," She says with a warm smile as she walks in a separate direction toward her friends.

I roll my eyes at my short sister and walk to my locker where my best friend Dani was waiting for me.

"Hey Astra, how are you doing this fine fabulous day?"

"Pretty good not excited for the biology exam next week,"

"Want to see the new West Side Story movie tonight?" She questions as I open my locker and grab my books.

"I wish I have been dying to see it but my moms are having people over for dinner and we have to be there."

"Whose coming over? Do I know them?"

"I didn't have time to ask. Kieran was running behind as always." I say with a laugh.

"Fair enough. Do you think they would mind if I come over after school for a little before the dinner?" She questions as we move to her locker.

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