Assassination High School

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Kara's POV

I tug my plaid skirt down with a harsh yank. I am going to have to talk to the administration about getting longer skirts for the girls at this school. I grumble and tug my bag higher up onto my shoulder and walk through the gate entrance and toward the large stone castle-like building that is going to be my home for the near future.

There is a small group gathered in front of the main entrance.

I stand next to a tall dark-skinned boy with broad shoulders and a barrel chest and a tall latina girl with the side of her hair hanging loosely around her shoulder.

A middle-aged woman with blonde hair and a calm smile is standing on the third stair facing us.

One other person walks up behind me before the woman at the front says "Now that you are here, I would like to formally welcome you to National City boarding School for the gifted. To the outside we are a normal private boarding school, all interactions you have with the outside besides missions must make this seem true. In truth, this is a school for the vile and ruthless. If you aren't either, leave now and save us the time of having to cut you at the end of the year. Does everyone understand?"

There are many nods and "Yeses"

"Alrighty then, I am Headmistress Grant, you can call me Headmistress, Doc, or Dr. Grant your choice, and I will be your communications teacher on top of being your headmistress. Please follow me. I will be showing you to all your classes and introducing you to your teachers."

She pushes open the doors and walks in with us students close behind.

"Your first-period class is communications with me. Our classroom is right here." We all walk in and Dr. Grant says "Everyone take your seats please, it doesn't matter where, for now, I will create a seating chart later. I am going to quickly do role so I can learn your names and then I will quickly explain what we are doing in this class then we will move onto the next class"

I zone out for a little while. My last name starts with D so it would take a sec to get to my name.

"Kara Danvers?

"Here" I call out while raising my hand.

"That last name... Any relation to-?" Doc questions.

"Yes. She is my big sister." I say.

I see hear a couple of kids gasp as they realize who I am and who my sister is. I was hoping people wouldn't realize who my family was until further into the year when I proved that I was worthy to be here.

"All righty then...Samuel-"

I zone out again and then I see the Latina girl who I stood next to at the beginning and was now sitting next to me, she kept giving me side-glances while Doc finishes role. It continued through her explanation of the syllabus.

Doc glances at the clock before saying "Look we have a couple of minutes before we need to head to the next class so socialize a little."

A small murmur erupts as those around us start talking to each other. The barrel-chested brunette walks over and pulls a chair over to our desk and takes a seat.

"S'up Legacy, S'up fiesty."

The Latina girl raises her eyebrow at the man and says "What do you want?"

"That isn't very nice." He responds with a glare.

"You are a random dude who is very clearly trying to get into our pants to get on the teacher's good side because she is the holy grail of legacies and I am guessing you heard who I am." The brunette girl says.

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