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AN: this is gonna be short and it's stealing a quote from the princess diaries,

3rd person POV

Lena sits nervously in the interrogation room, trying not to look at the two way mirror where I know Kara's entire family (blood and non blood) was staring her down. Lena knew this was coming at some point and she couldn't imagine Kara new though but all that didn't make this any less scary.

Lena jumps when she hears the door open to see Alex in her DEO outfit. She shuts the door behind her and takes a seat  across from me at the table.

"So it's official" Lena has enough brains to know it's not her turn to speak. "You finally got the balls to ask Kara on a date. Only took you 5 years. Why so long Luthor?"

"I didn't know I was attracted to women"

"So my sister is some experiment?"

"Absolutely not!!!" Lena says panicked

"What exactly are your intentions with my sister?"

"I want to make her as happy as possible"

"And what makes you more qualified then anyone else?"

"I am a billionaire genius with an IQ of 170 who can quite literally buy or build anything she could ever want and I will spend the rest of my life doing anything to make her smile." Lena says in a drawl tone.

Alex raises an eyebrow before resting her interlocked hands on the table and gives Lena her best death glare that sent a chill down her spine as she says "Lena I like you. Your kind and caring and different then any person I have ever met."

"Thank -"

Alex holds up her hand silencing Lena before turning on her deathly tone as she speaks further "But before you take my sister on a date I want to make myself perfectly clear. All the money and power won't stop the wrath that will come down on you if you hurt my sister. I have diplomatic immunity in 20 countries and the ability to make you disappear in a matter of hours with no trace. Now that is me personally, as you have obviously put together there are people behind that mirror" she nods toward the mirror and it turns to glass where I say a handful of people standing and sending me there best glare "See flash can drop you in an alternate dimension or back in time. Powerwoman (Alura) and Superman can quite literally throw you into the sun. Yelena and Nat knows how to kill you and get away with it in more ways then I could possibly imagine. Wanda controls the fabric of reality and Carol has literally stared down a god and head butted his ass before wrecking his entire army. They all care about my sister now keep that in mind when you-"
"Alex." Lena's head snaps around at the familiar voice to find Kara glaring at her sister and the small side audience "She hasn't even taken me on a date yet and you are scaring her off."

Lena smiles brightly at the love of her life as she says "There is nothing they could do or say that could scare me away from loving you Kara."

AN I have an idea for a part two of this lmk if you want to see it

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