Animal Shelter pt 2

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AN: once again credit to sea.ya.later for certain characters

Lena's POV

Construction and renovations are going amazing I just finished checking in on things and I am on my way over to the temporary shelter to see the dogs. 

Only the dogs, not the insanely cute blonde owner I have spent the last two weeks getting to know and developing a tiny crush on. 

I mean I always had some sort of jumbled feelings for Supergirl but that was something that could never happen outside of my dreams but with Kara... I mean I hope I have a shot.

I pull into a spot and grab my purse and walk inside and to my surprise and horror I find a man being pinned and wrestling around on the ground with a tall man and my new friends are sitting around cheering. 

"What they actual fuck you guys..." as soon as they see me the wrestling match stops and both the tall man and the dog sit facing me looking chastised before I even said anything

"HI LENA!" Sharkie shouts as she adjusts the sleeves of her hoodie. 

"Hi, Sharkie. Can someone explain when we started allowing our animals to fight people?" I was particularly confused because the dog, Little John, a 145-pound Newfoundland was a sweetheart that wouldn't harm a fly. 

"Sorry, Lena we should have warned you. This is Bel my fíance and little john imprinted on him as a puppy so they have been playing wrestling like this since Little John was a pup." I give her this still doesn't completely make sense face so she continues "They always play wrestle when they see each other. No one ever gets hurt but they do it and it can be weird if you don't know what's happening." 

The tall himbo offers me his hand and says "I have heard a lot about you from Lil. I am Beleth but everyone calls me Bel" 

"Nice to meet you. I was just stopping by to say that construction will be done by the end of the month and I wanted to treat all of you to a nice dinner. Including any significant others or friends you want to drag along as a thank you." 

"Lena you have no reason to be thanking us and we have every reason to be thanking you. You have done so much for this not only our small rescue but the city as a hole." Kara walks further into the room and I hadn't even noticed. "I know you well enough at this point that we can't say no but you have to agree to letting us say thank you in our own way." 

"Sounds like a deal. Bring out your Sunday best and meet me at this address tomorrow at 6 sharp" I scribble the address down before taking my leave


Kara's POV

Sharkie, Angel, Alex, Ruggy, Bel, Lily, Greg, and Penny are all dressed up and standing near me. Or at least as dressed up as they ever get. 

We approach and my jaw is on the floor when I see Lena talking to the host in a skin-tight green dress that accentuates all her curves. 

"I am a happily engaged woman I am a happily engaged woman" Lily mutters under her breath over and over again as her Fiance says the same. 

Sharkie doesn't notice and has already managed to find a menu and decide what they want. 

Alex pats me on the shoulder and mutters "Your fucked". before laughing and going to great Lena. 

Our group all reach the host in time to hear the host say "I am sorry Miss but your party will not be seated until they find more proper attire. It is the restaurant's policy." while giving Sharkie and Angel a death glare. Sharkie was in a button-down with mini sharks on it and blue jeans. Angel was in a shorter dress that showed off her endowments as this prissy dickhead would probably say. 

I am about to snap at him and Alex is right behind me in my protests but Lena pulls her phone out of her purse and dials a couple of things before holding it to her ear. Everyone goes silent and she gives the man a wicked smile as she says "Hey Evelyn! Long time no talk. I know you have been working on that new project and I am so sorry to bother you but my friends and I are trying to get seated at your and Celia's restaurant and one of your servers is refusing to seat us because of our attire. Last I checked there was no such rule and you could get a table as long as you were clothed." the woman on the other end of the line responds but no one can hear but I see the host starting to sweat "Oh Celia is here tonight? I am sorry for bothering you I can just talk to her." Lena says with a laugh "Yes yes I will give Ruby a hug for you. Yes, I will be in LA next week for a meeting so we can grab lunch if you aren't in the area any sooner. God knows you can't stay away from your wife" A women of South East Asian decent walks up behind the host and waves at Lena "Speaking of I see your wife now. I will talk to you soon. Bye!" 

Lena hangs up and the woman speaks "Lena! It's good to see you. I saw your name on the reservation and wanted to seat you personally but caught up briefly. Is there an issue here Morgan?" She says sending the man a fierce glare. 

"No ma'am" 

"Alrighty, then why don't you let me take them to their private room? I will be serving them personally." 

"Of course ma'am. Sorry about the wait Miss" I give him a fake smile before the woman leads us back to our table in a private room. 

"That was so badass!" I whisper to Lena. "Who exactly did you call though?" 

"Evelyn Hugo. She is an old friend who co-owns this place with her wife Celia St. James." she nods her head at the woman who is passing out menus to all of us as we sit down. 

"Wait Evelyn Hugo as in" Sharkie asks slowly

"The Hollywood star. Precisely. It gets to be annoying when we are having an argument and she quotes obscure Shakespeare to make her point." Celia explains. "I love her to bits but she is a theater nerd at heart and it gets annoying at times" she finishes with a chuckle. "You must be the animal rescue worker Lena won't shut up about. She is bragging in a group chat constantly and made us all promise if we got pets we had to adopt from you guys cause the animals are so sweet."

Lena blushes and I say "You did that for us?" 

"Of course. I have had more fun spending time with this group than when Supergirl had to fly me back to my office and I experienced flight." 

"YOU KNOW SUPERGIRL????!!" Ruggy yells "Is she as pretty in person as she is on TV? TELL USSSS" 

"Rugs honey your gay is showing" Alex is laughing hard at not only Angel's comment towards her girlfriend but the fact that Supergirl is literally sitting in the room and non of them know it. 

"She is," Lena says in a dreamy tone that catches my attention. She catches my eyes briefly before saying "But that's only one part of her, she is fiercely loyal and protective of the people she loves but also of this city. She has nearly died to protect this city more times than any of us could come close to realizing and she would do it again. She also has this adorable sense of humor that you don't expect because she is serious most of the time but will cause a good belly laugh. And I mean she told me about you guys and so many other areas where I can further help the city. Because as much as I try and be aware of where help is needed I miss sometimes and I know she is there to back me up always. And I mean after all that my family did to her and the world she would be justified in never speaking to me but not once has she done that." 

If I wasn't head over heels for her now I am now that's for sure. 

"Alex works with her so she probably knows her better than me," Lena says while blushing and trying to get the attention off of her. 

"You see all sides of her the serious, goofy, loyal, all of it. She is lucky to have you as a friend as are all of us." I didn't even realize I was speaking or that I had squeezed her hand until it was already done. 

"Gay" Alex, Celia, and Sharkie all say at the same time causing Lena and I to blush. 

AN: Sorry sleep got to me but I can do a pt 3 if you want

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