Boarding School pt 2

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AN: Hey sorry if I miss typed or forgot to edit a couple of things but if at any time a name was put as Hope it is supposed to be Yelena. Also, this was originally written with the legacies boarding house/characters in mind so keep that in mind

Eliza's POV

I am sitting at my desk looking over the layout while Kara was on my couch reading a magazine.

I get a text so I pick up my phone and see it was from my older daughter.

From Alex: Hey Mom, I took in Kara's ideas for her suit and it is almost ready. I just need you to bring in her glass's so Brainy and I can program in the suit to come out when she takes off the glasses. I will have a pair she can wear while I am fixing the pair that will hold her suit.

To Alex: Okay thanks, Alex! I will bring them in later today or tomorrow. Kara will be so happy to have her suit. She has been dying to start helping people with you and Carol. We have family dinner on Sunday don't be late! 

I set my phone down and continue looking at the blueprint of the genetic code project we are working on.

About ten minutes later my phone starts buzzing and I pick it up to see an unknown number.

I click answer and say "Hello?"

A female voice comes through the other end of the line as she says "Hi Eliza Danvers?"

I say "This is her."

The girl says "Oh. Hi Mrs. Danvers. It's Lena from yesterday. Yelena and I are just outside the building and we are about to walk into the lobby."

A smile spreads on my face and I say "Glad to hear it. Kara and I will be down in a minute to start the tour"

Lena says "See you soon" before hanging up the phone.

Lena's POV

It took us a second to park. Luckily we were close to the Biotech building so while Yelena paid for the meter and I pulled out her phone and the business card and called Eliza to tell her we are outside.

She finishes paying and we walk into the building.

Yelena turns to me once we were inside "Mrs. Danvers said she would be down shortly to meet us. So I guess we just wait here." 

I nod and we stand there for a couple of minutes before I say "Is there a party tonight out in the clubhouse?"

Yelena nods and says "Yep"

"You gonna go?" she raises her eyebrow trying to hold in her laughter.

"No of course not." 

There is a brief pause "Unless you wanted to come with me" 

"You know I can't go on your campus," I say as a man passes by us. 

Yelena's face turned sad as she says "I know you hate your family. I hate my parents I get it. But you need to spend more time at home and less time at that makeshift camp you made under the third street bridge."

I was about to respond when someone taps me on the shoulder. We both turn to see a tall white man glaring down at us with a serious expression.

Yelena and I were both on the very short side, so this guy was towering over us as he says "Excuse me but this is private property. If you don't have business here I am going to have to ask you to leave" while being very intimidatingly close to me and glaring at us both.

Yelena moves in between us forcing the guy to step back as she says "I am sorry sir but we are here for a reason so we aren't going to leave." with a clearly fake smile on her face.

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