Photo Shoot

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AN: Here is some fluff! I am just starting school so I have been really busy with that sports and moving in so I have had no time to write, unfortunately! This is just some fluff to entertain you! 

(Lena is a famous actor who just got her first major role and last-minute Alex is called in to photograph her while Kara interview's her for Catco. (Luthor's were never evil))

Lena's POV

My manager, Sam walks up to me as I sit in the make-up chair and says "Listen, Le, this is just like every other photo shoot you have done. They have the outfits you are going to wear including your favorite maroon suit. There are some fun outfits that I know you will like including the Supergirl shirt you wanted included." I see her roll her eyes as she sends a text to someone before looking up and saying "As is your stupid tradition of yours." as my make-up artist does my brows. 

"Hey don't judge me I found out I got my first roll in that shirt and Supergirl is my idol. It's bad luck for me not to wear it during press tours." I say as I try and hold still for my artist Yelena. I swear that women's glare could kill me when I move when I am in the chair. 

"My job is to make you happy and if that includes letting you wear that worn-out shirt I will. And at this point, it has become your trademark and some of your fans even ship you with the girl of steel" I snort and think "As if the girl of steel would ever like me"  

I snap out of some unholy thoughts of the blonde superhero when Sam says "Oh also Yelena,"  my make-up artist glances at my manager who stops typing on her phone and faces the short dirty blonde. "Make sure you use the grey eyeshadow you know it brings out the green in Lena's eyes."

"Sam, which one of us is the professional makeup artist me or you?" Yelena says in her slight Russian accent while giving her a glare but Sam is already on the phone talking to someone about some advertising gig or another.

I laugh at the woman but she never takes a second to breathe she is always moving. I swear she is part shark if she stops moving and drops dead I wouldn't be surprised.

An intern from Catco walks up with a to-go coffee mug and hands it to me before saying "Here is your hot chocolate, Miss Luthor. I have to say I am a huge fan and I am so excited to see you as Zatanna. You are perfect to play her."

"Thanks, kid what's your name?" I say with a polite smile on my face.

"Oh I am Mike nice to meet you," he said with a cheesy smile.

Sam walks up to us and says "Hey you! You work here where the hell is the photographer!? We were supposed to start 20 minutes ago" 

I wasn't even in my first outfit yet but when Sam is like this there isn't really reasoning with her so I just stay quiet. 

"Oh um I got told just now that the photographer that was supposed to do it had to cancel so we had to last-minute bring in one of our other photographers and an interviewer. Both do mostly freelance work but are both incredibly talented. She travels around the world and takes photos for current event magazines and stuff and her sister blogs about them" 

"Why didn't someone tell me this right away?! Give me these people's names and information immediately. I am doing my research on them." Sam says in her business tone. 

''I don't know what their name is'' this poor boy is terrified as he says 'My boss Frank can give you more information"

Sam storms off yelling "WHERE THE HELL IS FRANK!!!?"

I turn to Yelena and say ''I feel bad for Frank"

Yelena laughs and says "I thought Russian's were supposed to be the scary ones."

SuperCorp One shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora