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AN: The title is misleading this is pure fluff

AN PT 2: Instead of Kara being a journalist she owns an animal shelter/Sanctuary on top of still being supergirl

Lena's POV

"PLEASE LENA!!???" Harley gives me puppy dog eyes as her girlfriend laughs at me. 

I roll my eyes and say "Fine I will go with you to the shelter"

Harley convinced Ivy to let her get a puppy stating it would calm her crazy episodes. Ivy also knew I would more likely to make their house Harley-proof if I knew there was a puppy in the house that needed to protect from any broken glass. And now she just convinced me to come with her because she thinks I am lonely and need a furry companion. 

Sometimes I swear she is smarter than is good for the world. 

"YAY! LET'S GOOOOOO!!" Harley runs out to my car and I am thankful that in her excitement she didn't grab any of her weapons. 

"Was there any chance I was ever going to be able to say no?" I ask Ivy. 

"Nope, not a chance in hell. She was going to hog-tie you and drag you all the way there if you said no." 

I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose before grabbing my keys and my purse before walking out to the car with Ivy. 

It takes 20 minutes to get out of the city and another 20 minutes to see the first sign for Danver's Animal Sanctuary. 

We pull into a long driveway with wide fields on either side where I see a large number of animals ranging from a couple of lamas to Kangoros and a fluffle (this is the actual term for a group of rabbits. On top of all the dogs and cats roaming around closer to the large farmhouse. 

I pull into a spot and park before following Harley and Ivy into the building. 

We find a short blonde sitting at a desk. 

She looks up at us and says "Welcome to the Danvers Sanctuary are you here to volunteer or adopt?" in a slight accent that sounded Russian but wasn't. 

"Can we do both?" Harley says practically bouncing up and down with excitement 

The woman nods "Sure. We need some help with feeding because our founder is out for a couple of hours and her morning chores are only half done" 

"Well, we are ready to help!" Harley says enthusiastically

It was at that moment I realized I fucked up by wearing heels and a dress. 

The woman laughs at me before passing me a satchel while saying "Lots of people make the same mistake. Here is a pair of clean overalls and if you tell me your shoe size I will get you a pair that will fit you" 

"7 and a half," I say before she points me in the direction of the bathroom I quickly change before walking out. 

"All you need is a cowboy hat and you would fit right in in the south," Ivy says with a chuckle. 

I do my best southern accent as I say "Only problem with that Ma'am is that I am in fact an honest to god homosexual." 

Harley and Ivy start laughing loudly as I slip on the boots and we head outside to start on chores. 


A half-hour later we are cleaning out the cat pen and I feel a tug on my pant leg. I look down and nearly jump out of my shoes to find a tinny black cat using its claws to climb up my body before I can call for Harley or Ivy to get it off but the cat is up close enough to my arms I grab her gently and nearly die internally when she starts purring softly before falling asleep holding onto my finger. 

"She likes you" I look up and find a blond in jeans and a flannel smiling softly at me. "She doesn't like a lot of people you should be honored." 

"What's her name?" I ask softly afraid to wake the small kitten.

"She was only born a month ago and hasn't gotten within a foot of anyone but her mother without biting and trying to claw their eyes out" 

"Oh- Well- I mean I am honored" I stutter out not sure what to say.

"You should give her a name" 

"I couldn't possibly-" 

"I insist. It is unlikely she will get adopted because of her anti-social tendency. But she definitely deserves a name. Everyone does" Kara moves closer and scratches softly behind the Cat's ears causing it to scratch at her. 

I snort softly and do what she was trying to do and scratch the cat's stomach. 

She opens her eyes and I find piercing blue eyes that remind me of a certain hero so I say "How about Krypto?"


"In honor of National City's hero. Her home planet is krypton and they have the same eyes so it's perfect." 

"Krypto I like it, I know her name now but I don't know yours," the blonde says simply. 

"Lena. I would offer you my hand but it is a bit occupied" I say nodding at the cat. "And you are?" 

"Kara Danvers. This is my animal shelter" 

"Ah! Well, you are doing great work here. My friends and I are volunteering before the short crazy blonde finds a companion animal" I say with a giggle

"Well it seems you have found a companion as well" 

"Oh no! I am too busy to have a pet I work all day every day" 

"I don't think you understand," Kara says with a chuckle "Krypto imprinted on you you will be lucky if she leaves your side ever again. Rescue cats are loyal to a fault" 

I cringe when I hear Harley yell "HA! Now you have to get a cat!" 

"And cats are pretty self-efficient, you just need to bring water and some food and Krypto would be fine at your job for the day" 

"How do you know my office allows animals?" I question

"Well considering you own the company I think you could set your own rules and that way she can give you emotional and physical support during the day." 

"You know who I am?" I question a bit shocked. 

"I didn't until you said your name but yes. You are one of the biggest donators to our little farm. You provided food for the animals for a full 3 years." She takes off her cowboy hat and sets it down before picking up a different cat and letting the kitty crawl onto her shoulders. "Look Krypto is yours and Yelena will give you the adoption papers to sign" 

"I didn't say yes though!" I say frustrated but Krypto climbs up my shoulders licks my face and then cuddles in between my shoulder and chin. 

"You really don't have a choice." the gorgeous blonde says with a giggle 

I glare and say "I will do it on one condition" she motions for me to continue "You go on a date with me"

"How do you know I like women?" 

"I did my research on you before donating. You are an incredible woman and I would love to take you out for dinner" 

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