Intimidation PT 2

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AN: Helllooo I am sorry I don't post as much as I used to but I hope you still enjoy my stories! Also yesterday was my one-month anniversary since top surgery! Best decision I have ever made. 

Kieran's POV

I take a deep breath and glance at Dani who was standing beside me and looked a bit green. 

"It will be okay," I say trying to comfort my girlfriend, though knowing my parents and family I am not exactly sure what to expect from them. 

I had to create a whole PowerPoint to convince them to let me get my own apartment for college instead of staying at home. Introducing them to my first serious girlfriend is going to be... crazy at best. I mean I grew up hearing the story of Alex intimidating Lena when they first got together.

"You know it's not like I am facing down two of the most powerful women in the world." Dani adds chuckling nervously "The only thing that would be more intimidating is if the President showed up with her secret service and threaten me with a CIA black site if I hurt you." 

I flinch and say "Wellllll-" 

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THE PRESIDENT???!!!" Dani questions. 

"She may or may not be my godmother... Kara was President Grant's secretary and friend for years before taking over the company in her stead. They stayed friends the entire time and Cat officiated their wedding after beating Alex in the scavenger hunt competition and shockingly beating all the federal agents in the god parent hunger games. They kept in contact and Kara wrote the editorial of Cat when she won the presidency..." My girlfriend looked even greener so I quickly add "If it helps I don't think she will be there. The UN is meeting today on the Iran women's rights issues."

Dani gulps and says "It does...I know who your parents were when we confessed our feelings for each other. Nothing they can say or do can scare me off" I squeeze her hand warmly as I turn to knock on the door I hear her mumble "Even if your mother could actually throw me into the sun" 

The door swings open and I am pulled into a bone-crushing hug by my mother for a second before she drops me back down onto my feet and turns to face Dani. "And you must be the famous Dani I have heard so much about." 

"Yes ma'am, Daniela Chavez" 

Dani sticks her hand out for a handshake but my mom only uses it to pull her into a deep hug as she says "Oh I know. Welcome to our home. Everyone's in the backyard waiting for you" 

It's at that moment that my mom gets body slammed by her wife and sent flying into a wall as she says "Move!" 

Because of the differences in aging Kara gave half of her powers to Lena so they wouldn't have to worry about it. 

I laugh loudly as my mama pulls me into a deep hug and doing the same to my poor girlfriend who is a bit star-struck even with the knowledge of who my parents are. 

"Welcome to our home. Come on in" 

Kara stands from the hole she created in the wall and as soon as she was inside the wall began fixing itself. After I was born destruction was a constant so instead of paying for the repairs every other day Mama designed a house that rebuilt itself when it was damaged.

My mom sends her wife a glare as she says "Sometimes I regret giving you my powers" 

"No you don't," Lena says before leading us to the backyard and immediately asking Dani a bunch of questions. "How are your Mom's? Do you want water? Was the flight here smooth? Are you hungry?" at a certain point her super speed kicked in and I had to translate for Dani who did technically have a lower level of superspeed but not the same amount as Kryptonian. 

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