Chapter 60 - Foolishness

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Preston's POV


His gone. Rob is gone, and it's all my fucking fault. I tugged at my head and curled in to a ball. It's all my fault. It's all-

"Wh-What's happening?" My eyes jolted open as I heard this beautiful voice again. I quickly walked over to Rob and saw him blinking his eyes softly. Holy hell Rob's alive! Tears started running down my face, but this time, they were happy tears.

"Rob, thank God you're alive! I don't know what I would have done if I had lost the love of my life. I am so sorry! This is all my fault but I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

All of the words came out in one big jumbled up sentence. There were so many things I had to say, so many things that I needed to say. I placed a kiss on Robs face but was stopped when a hard smack landed on my cheek.

"Don't touch me you freak! Who the hell are you?!" Shock started to run down my veins.

"RRob YYou don't rremember me?" I could barely choke my sentence out because my soul was being shattered by the bitter face Rob gave me.

"No, what are you to me?"

"III'm your boyfriend." My throat. Started to feel parched as i felt sadness wash over me.

Rob looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Excuse me? You? My boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend I even if I did he wouldn't be you. I don't even know who you are."

'MMy name is Preston."

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell."

"Does anything come to mind when you think of the name Preston?"

"No, now could you do me a favor?" I sniffled up my almost silent cries. He doesn't remember you Preston, he doesn't remember you at all.

"What is it?"

Rob pointed to some brunette chick in the hallway.

"Who's that hot chick?" Please tell me this isn't reality

"Um I think she's the student intern for the hospital."

"Could you go get her for me?"

"YYeah sure." my wobbly legs carried me into the hallway to see Chelsea filling out some papers.

"Um hey Chelsea, Rob wants to see you."

"Holy shit his awake!?" She ran into the room with a huge smile on her face. Rob's face lit up when she walked in the room. There were sad screams pleading at Rob to remember me. To remember our memories together. To remember our romantic times. And just to remember me in general.

Rob was whispering in Chelseas ear, making her turn a blush color. I remembered when he used to do that all the time to me, now his doing it to someone else. The two were chatting away, forgetting all about me.

My mind seemed to have blanked out because before I knew it I was at the receptions desk.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

I reached in to my pocket and pulled out Rob's birthday gift, I carefully unwrapped the gift and took one of the dark stainless steal rings out. The ring I took out had Rob's name on it, and leaving the ring with had my name on it inside. With every move I made I felt mechanical, almost artificial at the least.

"The patient in from 028, his name is Robert. When he checks out give this to him."

I handed the middle aged lady the ring.

"Who should I say, It's from?"

I didn't answer her question because I was already out the door after I handed her the ring. My feet dragged a crossed the beaten up sidewalk. Silent tears dripped on the sidewalk, blurring my vision. I tripped on my own two feet and fell on my knees. Baring my eyes in my hands. Did I really think I would get an happy needing? I'm such a fool.

A/ and inspiration chapter coming out tomorrow.....leave questions and stuff...:'(


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