Chapter 52 - Marvelous Ballerinas

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Preston's POV

My thumb pressed the end call on my phone screen. Leaving me with a blank dark void of a screen. Shoes were being scoffed against the floor, as students and teachers made their way to class. I walked into my last hour class, which lucky was free period. Good, after that conversation Rob and I had a few moments ago I need to calm myself down a bit.

I sat in the back near the wide open panel windows, and got my earbuds out. Before I could turn on my music a loud bang was heard from the front of the outdated classroom. I looked up towards noise to see what caused it and saw Brandon giving Matt a piggy background with his face full of rippling laughter.

"Brandon put me down!" Matt barely could get his words out because of Brandon's contiguous laughter.

"No can do!" Brandon spun around a couple of times, resulting in more laughing. No one was paying attention to them because everyone in the class was either working or screwing around.

"But I'm going to be late for class!" Mat held on to Brandon's neck and increase the volume of his laugh.

"It's free period Matt! Stay here with me and we can wreak havoc together!" Brandon threw his head back and met Matthew's eyes. They stared at each other for a moment or two, Nooch ran his fingers through Brandon's mop of curly brown hair.

"Fine, only because I have no work to do."

"Awe, It's not because you want to spend to with me?"

"Shut up you noob. Now on words my trustee stead! Head fourth to the Preston!"

"As you wish emperor Mathew."

Those guys look so cute together, It's not the regular cute either. t's the nerd noob with a hint of banter kinda cute. The black hair and brunette look like a pair of teenage children. But hey, aren't we all kids on the inside?

Brandon waddled over to me, with a silly faced Matt on his back still.

"Sup Preston."

"Hey Nooch, sup Brandon seems like you two are enjoying each others company."

"Well. I am in the presence of emperor Matt"

"I am Matthew, emperor of every robot know to man!" A chuckle escaped my lips. Of course he'll be the emperor of robots, he is one after all.

"Every robot know to man huh?"


"Then what do you call your robots?"

"Uh Um. Here's the thing I'm applying to become the emperor, but theres a huge waiting list. So in order for me to officially do anything I have to wait until The Emperor Line can approve of my application." We laughed at Matt's cheeky remark.


The final bell went of, dismissing students and teacher that they can leave. Brandon and Matt said goodbye to me as the waddled away, getting swept away in the swarm of hundreds of students. I packed up my stuff and threw my backpack on my bag. School seemed to pass by, probably because Rob wasn't here. Vikk was a bit upset that Lachlan didn't come, but shook it off because he said something about them going on a midnight coffee date. That reminds me, I haven't took Rob on a date yet, haven't I? Well I'm going to have to change that.

I can't wait to see him later today, there is a ninety five percent at I'm going to end up staying the night because my mom works over time today. I swam in the sea of teenagers trying, desperately to get home or to hangout with their tight knit friends.

I somehow made it to my car, not soaked in teen spirt. This morning I decided not to take my car, because today is the day the leaves fall the most in Arizona. My feet strolled down the cement sidewalk, talking their sweet time.

Leaves fell like sharp drips of water. Every minute more and more fell. Auburns, burgundies, and red fox colored leaves drooped on the ground, over lapping one of another. The wind blew by causing the fall leaves to push past me, floating in midair. As if they were dancing with each other.

Yellow leaves joined in on the peaceful party twirling around like marvelous ballerinas, in the crisp air and ending their performance on top of the other pervious performers. A joyful smile filled my mouth as a single leaf fell on my head. Nature is so wonderfully beautiful, It's a shame that one one really takes the time to notice.

A/N: New cover, because I have an indecisive mind xD Also since the book is sadly coming to an end soon, message/post/comment me questions to answer! I love reading everyone comments and replying to them so don't be shy guys c: At the end of the book I'll have a chapter about my inspiration and answering questions about the book or about other things.

(P.S: Sorry if it's annoying that I change the cover of the book every once and a while xD I've been thinking about changing it for a while. )

(P.S.S: Let me know what you think of the new cover!)

(P.S.S.S: Has anyone seen the new fractions video?! ( #74 with Face-cam) My heart literally melted all over my computer.)

(P.S.S.S.S: I'm not sure about the things I said about Arizona, but hey it's a fan fiction xD)

(P.S.S.S.S.S: xD I'm sorry I just wanted to see is I could get away with another P.S )


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