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AN: This is cute fluff because I am sad that I keep getting blown off by my date, also inspired by a couple scenes from shameless

Kara and Lena are out of town and they can never choose just one babysitter out of all of their friends and family cause all of Kieran and Alura's aunts and uncles will fight and bicker with each other to be the one chosen. Hence, the parents decide they can all do it together.

It is nice to know so many people love their daughters so much and it is also nice to know that no one person loses too much sleep looking after their year-old twin daughters.

And I mean how can they complain when most of the people who look after their kids are primarily superheroes or anti-heroes?

The two women were out on a weekly lunch date in Ireland while Harley, Yelena, Carol, Wanda, Wednesday, Enid, Carson, Greta, and Ivy looked after the two babies. It was a smaller group watching the two little angels than had in a long time but people got busy much to their dismay.

Harley holds both kids on either hip as Carol walks down the stairs from a nap and says "Good evening little ones" to Kieran and Alura "Lena and Kara not back yet?" 

"Alex is forcing them both to take a week's vacation so they won't be back till next Thursday," Greta explains. "We already figured out that someone can always be here to babysit so it wasn't a big deal"

"What does everyone want for dinner?" Wanda calls to the group all hanging out in the kitchen. The two 2-year-olds yell in excitement. They clearly had Kara's appetite. 

"Pizza?" someone asks and everyone agrees. Wanda conjures the ingredients and starts making the pizza. 

It is at that moment that a brick smashes through the window heading right toward Harley and the twins. On instinct, Harley blocks the twins with her body but it never reaches her because Carol blasted it with a photon before it got close. 

Everyone runs outside Wednesday and Carson both holding bats are the first people out the door and spot the culprit running away down the block. They start chasing after him but stop when familiar red magic incases him and brings him back toward the house. 

They turn and walk back next to him and find Wanda, Carol, and Ivy all glowing with power, Wednesday wielding a bow pointed at his heart, and Yel had her favorite knife drawn. 

After putting the fear of gods into him and literally threatening him with the knowledge that they had tea on Tuesdays with the women who single-handedly puts annoying assholes in their place as they enter hell and someone who has the megalodon as a pet. 

The group walks back into the house and find Harley sitting on the couch with the twins seated in front of her as the crazy clown of Gotham sings her nieces a song. 

(This story was 10000% just pure fluff of everyone being a softie for Supercorps kids)


"This poor child couldn't help herself once the devil got inside her" The pastor explains Carson is sitting in front of a group of people who are all members of her church. Her parent's dragged her here and she was seriously considering making a run for it. All the kids looked miserable or brainwashed and the parents were the only ones paying attention. "Psalm 101:3 says 'I will not look with approval on anything that is vile'. Though I hate what faithless people do I will have no part of it. 

One woman about her age catches her eye as she says "Romans 13:8-10 says 'let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law." Parents turn curious as and a bit scared at the voice they don't recognize, but kids perk up at the positivity. 

"What is your name?" Pastor Morgan says as he walks towards the woman. 

She stands up and says "Lena" 

"Are you a homosexual Lena?" 

"Indeed I am," Lena says with a bright smile.

 Kara has been quietly recording the entire speech filled with hatred this man has been saying and continues when he says "Would you like to come up to the altar and bring Jesus back into your life?"

"Oh no, I'm good." She says with a sweet smile "I already got Jesus in my life." while gesturing at Alex who holds up a bible.

"Corinthians 6:9 through 10 clearly states neither the sexually immoral nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God" the pastor explains. 

Lena takes the bible and says "Oh really? Colossians 3:11 and 13 says here there's no Jew or Gentile barbarian Scythian slave nor free but Christ is all and is" she starts motioning to everyone including herself as she finishes "in all" 

Parents start muttering amongst themselves as the pastor continues "Corinthians 6:17 through 20 flee from sexual immorality all the sings a person commits are outside of the body but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body" he is now standing face to face with Lena and trying to keep his calm and control over the situation

"Galatians 5:14 for the entire law is fulfilled in keeping the command love thy neighbor as thyself" 

"Most of the flesh comes not from the father but from the world"

Lena wasn't budging as she continues "Woe to you teachers of law and Pharisees you hypocrites" she shuts the bible in her hands

"You don't actually think you can win a Bible-quoting contest with me" 

"She actually does," Alex says as Kara holds in pride

"Are you the queer girlfriend?" 

"No, I'm the queer sister-in-law of her wife," Alex says as her and Kara both stand, and Lena continues. 

"And I would like to reintroduce myself to all of you. My name is Lena Luthor and I am the Billionaire who owns and operates L-Corp. My company will be providing housing and resources to any of you who want to get away from this awful asshole or your families." 

There is a brief pause before Carson stands and says "I would like help" and follows Kara outside to the van waiting to transport any and all who want to leave. 

But Carson's dad doesn't like that and says "Carson get back here" and starts going after his daughter but Alex blocks him and says "Oh nope. You take another step and I will have you arrested for child abuse." 

"You can't do that" 

"Oh yes I can and if any of you try and stop your children we can and will be pressing charges. Kara has this whole thing on film and I am married to the best lawyer in the state. Please try it and see what happens." Alex says with a smug smile as all the other teens follow in Carson's lead and leave the building. 

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