1. Sweet

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It was no surprise to anyone that Viserys loved his baby sister.

What was a surprise was how much Alicent found she liked Avalons company as well.

"Avalon!" Rhaenyra shouted as she saw Mouse soaring through the sky.

''Hello gorgeous," avalon declared flying beside Rhaenyra and Syrax. Rhaenyra chuckled, Avalon was always one for dragons. Admired them and their uniqueness.

''I didnt know you were coming back.'' Nyra shouted through the wind whipping around them.

''My eldest and favorite brother is having another baby of course im here.'' Avalon agreed. ''I'm hoping Daemon makes an entrance as well but who knows with him.'' Avalon remarked.

''Im glad you are here. I should be getting down but I think I can convince father not to be mad if I say Im with you.'' Nyra declared.

''No get your butt down there so I can hug you proper.'' Avalon corrected.

Nyra slid off Syrax and ran to Avalon hugging her tight.

''Hello sweetie, goodness you are woman grown was I really gone that long?.'' Avalon declared.

"Seemed like forever." Nyra agreed.

''Goodness you are so tall already. I was little for so long Daemon had me riding on his shoulders until I was ten.'' Avalon recalled.

''I missed you Aunt Avalon.'' Nyra said as she held to Avalons waist. Avalon waved a hand and Mouse moved to the caves contently. Nyra glanced back and saw Syrax following mouse in without fuss. "Syrax is better behaved when you are here too." She added.

''I missed you too. Im not leaving again. Not for a while at least.'' Avalon informed her. ''Ah hello Alicent.''

''Hello Princess Avalon.'' Alicent answered with a curtsy.

''Such a nice proper friend you have.'' Avalon remarked running a hand through Nyras hair. ''Are you well Alicent?''

''I am. Thank you princess.'' Alicent agreed. She didnt remember Avalon much but she remembered she was sweet and beautiful and the king talked about his little sister fondly. Rhaenyra did too. Everyone seemed to love Avalon. "I hope your travels were well. Rhaenyra was telling me you were across the narrow sea."

"Asking about me are you?" Avalon teased and Alicent couldnt hide the blush from her cheeks. "I was with my cousin Davina. She took me everywhere. She is a bit crazy but I love her. Her and Daemon used to butt heads constantly when we were little and both of my brothers were not too happy about me spending time over seas with her. But I had so much fun."

Alicent liked Avalons smile. It was one that she never wanted to stop staring at.

''You take her flying yet? Syrax looks about big enough.'' Avalon mused but Alicent shook her head clutching her book to her chest. ''Scared of heights or Nyras reckless flying?" Avalon teased.

''Avalon!" Nyra declared laughing into her. Avalon chuckled moving to Alicent.

"Mouse is rather large. Dont let his name fool you and Im an excellent flyer if you ever want a go." Avalon offeres touching the necklace on Alicents neck.

"I..." she would. She would fly with Avalon there was something so calming about her but she was scared of dragons still. "Maybe." Alicent offered.

"I should be getting to mother." Nyra remarked.

"Then I will see you lovely ladies later." Avalon agreed as she headed back to the caves calling out for her dragon, Mouse.

"Your aunt is so sweet." Alicent remarked. "Her dragon, did I hear her right? It's name is mouse?"

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now