116. WE

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WARNING: The story is rated mature. This chapter contains explicit sexual scenario. You've been warned. Please proceed with caution.


Soul bounds are not always magical. They are also purely connections threaded with patience, loyalty, and above all... love.


"I'm home!" Daun sings. The melody of her voice is an added softness to the zen-like ping of the wind chime that hangs by the balcony. And just as always, not even a second, a welcoming chuckle echo. This time with a sweet dimpled giant and a pair of loving eyes that oozes so much happiness with just a sight of her.

"Hello love." Namjoon comes into view. He opens his arms as he steps nearer, hugs her so tightly, and blesses her with a sweet lingering kiss on her lips. "How's your day? How's the meeting? Did you have fun?" He asks with great interest, as if nothing on her is deemed uninteresting at all.

"Beautiful." She hums. Leaning more for tighter embrace, she narrates how wonderful the new showcase on her gallery had turned out. In all honesty, she tells him how she was almost tempted to visit the site by herself, but opted not to for the fear of people crowding on her just like what happened a week prior.

"Oh, Love. I promise everything will be alright." Namjoon's hands gently caress her back. She can hear the shake of his chest as he sighs. She knows too well that he worries for her... feeling sorry for the chaos... and at the same time, grateful that she was not placed in the same position once again. She can't help but smile with the thoughtfulness of her soulmates. Jin can be overbearing and the others can be over dramatic, but Namjoon, being the leader, prefers to do everything in silence, making sure of her safety by hiring more guards without her knowing. Well... someone like Yoongi could have had done the same.

"Nevertheless... I got videos from the event and thankfully, no haters this time. And some ARMYs came to support the new artists there." She positively beams.

Thankfully, the featured artists didn't back out from the project, though they had been skeptical with some haters who purposely sneaked inside the venue just to cause havoc. There were times that some threw tomatoes or raw eggs to some of the art works. Of course, there are less to no harassments nowadays... thankfully to this man. Thankfully too that the artists had become positively active when she herself had been so courageous enough to talk to them, face to face, and convince them to push through. It certainly helps that she had shown to them how dedicated she is for the art because of her love of it, debunking the skeptics of her doing art solely for money by using her soulmates' fame.

"Do you know a favorite artist of mine visited the showcase? I swear she is in the video." She almost squeals.

"Really? Can I see it?" The quake on his chest is a rumble of his honey glazed chuckle as he asks and endearingly bops her crunched nose.

Happily, she takes his hand to drag him to the couch only to stop with lots of packages cluttered along their living room. From the looks of their wraps, they are framed paintings of who's artist she doesn't know. Maybe Namjoon purchased a few... or a lot. Because there are several of them, almost taking up all the space. She couldn't help but voice her interest.

"What are these?"

"Um... Y-Your paintings." Namjoon carefully replies.

"W-what? H-how?" She is almost tongue-tied. The glee that bubbled inside her heart swiftly pops into nothingness and is replaced with something awful. 'Are these my sold paintings?' She is so much confused and hurt. Her suspicion that the buyers are returning her works is heartbreaking.

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