21. TEXT

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Multiples are often involved with one female with two or more males, though there are instances where there is only one male in a multiple relationship.


"Spring - The Four Seasons" is playing at the background as Daun paces on her Color Room, a simple name she gave to the room adjacent to her bedroom, designed as her work space. She doesn't know what to do. Vivaldi's classical piece parallels the way Daun's head is thinking right now. It loudens, then it softens... as if teasing her on coming up on the right decision.

Yes? No?

Either of these two, her head has been conjuring things that are somewhat silly but at the same time nerve wracking for her. The violins are egging her chaotic brain to finally stop and stare at her phone held by a tiny painting stand, one of her DIYs. It vibrates again and falls on the soft furry rag. Someone just texted but she stills instead and stares at it more, as if cursing why does she bother on having a phone in the first place.

What's the use of the phone by the way? Isn't it for communication? Isn't it for texting, chatting or calling your friends? No?

For Daun, it's for playing her playlists of the greatest classical music she knows exists and to take pictures while walking outside when she's not bringing her camera. The latter is for her work, for her to perfectly capture the essence of her paintings to be posted on her website or to be emailed to her patrons. Her hand held phone is the latest and one of the most expensive, but it's sole purpose is not definitely for communicating.

'What should I do? Should I reply? How? Would it be okay?' Her brows furrow, eyes very concerned as she picks it up with her index finger and thumb before quickly putting it back on its stand, as if she's holding a cursed object. She sighs. She's hopeless and she knows it.

She jumps when another classical music plays. This time more loud coming from the phone as it vibrates, a specific piece indicating an incoming call from a specific special person.

She smiles as she pokes it with her index finger and swipes the green button.

"How dare you Daun." Immediately, the face of a frustrated Hannah appears on the screen. "You lady, hasn't called me for almost a month! How could you!" She yells.

"Hello baby... tell your mommy I have been busy." Daun simply waves her hands, face playful but with a little bit of guilt. She's addressing her response to the growing stomach of her beloved best friend.

No one would believe that the nagging pregnant woman is the younger between the two. She exasperatedly sighs. Hannah can't do anything about it. Daun is known to be very engrossed if she has something to do, to the point that she forgets the world. She tends to be cooped up in her little world of colors and imaginations. She seldom initiate calling her. Her lone friend is not even sure if her calls will be answered if she calls. That is why, she prefers going to her instead and dragging her out of her work space and snap her from her work mode.

"How have you been?" She genuinely asks. She's worried that with her distance, Daun hasn't been taking good care of herself. No one is constantly nagging her, making sure to instill life outside of her world sometimes.

"I have been going out lately." She proudly proclaims. Yes. She's been frequently going to the orphanage, went to Ji-woos shop and been tasting coffee beans and tea that are not in her little pantry. This elates Hannah as she narrates her little ventures. She's so happy that Daun has decided these activities on her own. What an improvement.

"I have found new acquaintances too."

"I am so proud of you." Hannah claps. " What are they like?"

"They are fans." She says bashfully pertaining to Yoongi and Kook. "They were searching for me because I did not finish my exhibit on the scheduled time. They were really concerned. They happen to be living next door."

"Wow. I can't imagine how happy you were... Most of your fans are from overseas. Have you been hanging out with them?"

"Sadly no. They seem to be busy with work. But I befriend their friends too once they visited. Jimin says they were busy with work nowadays."

"What a lovely name." She giggles, as she remember two particular idols having the same names. One is female and the other is a male, so princely as well as flirt of a particular globally known boy band. Ji-min is a beautiful name common for Korean girls. "Who else?"

"I met one at the orphanage. He was so sweet. He invited me with a dinner afterwards." Daun simply added. She was busy reminiscing her dinner with Jin and doesn't notice the bulging eyes of her friend. After all, she doesn't think it special. It was nothing else but a simple eat out with a friend.

"He? A man? And you had a date?" She gasps. Hannah could not believe what she just heard. Her friend, who is aloof to humans, not to mention men, had have a dinner date.

"You're over dramatic Hannah. It was just a friendly invitation."

"We'll whatever it was, hope you are happy."

"Definitely." Daun agrees. She can't help but feel at ease with her new friends. Before, she thought that men are a big red warning sign. They are dangerous to be with. They can hurt her. They can abuse her. They are strong and can do dangerous things to her. But somehow, she never felt threatened with them, not even the drunk Yoongi ang Kook. Drunk men are worst for her. She fear them the most, but with the two men, she feels safe instead. She never felt any malice from them. She considers them as good men, great to be friends with.

"You should be like that. Opening your doors for more friends. Hopefully you can..." Hannah stops. She ought to say about finding Daun's love or Daun's soulmate, but knowing her friend, it would be a trigger for her to be wallowing on self pity again. So instead she changed the subject.

"I can...?" Daun urges. A bit curious for the unfinished statement.

"Hope you can call them or text them. Find time to reconnect and deepen the friendship. It will do you good." Hannah advices.

"Should I reply then if they text?"

"Of course idiot. What else would you do? A simple 'Hi!' would suffice." She face palms.

"Really? Won't it be awkward?" She seriously inquires.

"Every conversation has to start with something. So just that simple word will do. Trust me."

And so they continue sharing their days. Hannah tells her excitement for soon becoming a mother. Though it is a bit frightening for Hannah and her husband, Daun wishes nothing more but happiness for them. Very excited with her best friend's stories, Daun easily forgets the time as it quickly passes by.


All of them are exhausted from their practice. They have to be prepared for the upcoming annual award shows. They can't let down ARMYs with mediocre performance. It should be the best as ever and different than the last.

All of them are sprawled on their dorm's living room, unable to stand and go to their individual bedrooms. Namjoon is still thinking on the choreography when all the cellphones of his six members simultaneously dings. The maknaes gasps and jumps on their seats excited, while the three hyungs are smirking on their phones. Namjoon curiously peeks on Taehyung's phone.

"Not fair!!!" He exclaims as he realizes that all of them except him has their soulmate's number and even received a text from her. He pouts and snatches the younger's phone to look at the message. He smirks. He'll definitely receive one or even more someday.

My Daun : Hi!

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