98. PURE

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Fated love is untainted and pure.


Taehyung grins for how many times now. Or perhaps he didn't even stop grinning at all. In fact, his cheeks are hurting for smiling too much. He can't help it. He can't help but be enamored by Daun's enchanting aura.

"Stop doing that!" She whispers while still bent down to her sketching.

"What?" Taehyung straightens his posture and eases his back against the back rest of the bench as he looks at her with an amused smile. His eyes light up with adoration for his angel. His nerves are vibrating with the tingles of joy. It's like being constantly excited for a grand surprise. His heart is humming a tone that has been so familiar for how many months now. He wants to sing it. He wants to shout it... or even whisper it against her ears over and over again, until she can't hear anything more other than his passionate words of love and devotion. He is really contemplating in doing the latter and tickles her skin while doing so. If only it wouldn't distract her. As if he isn't already. No matter, he is just so happy for existing in the world with her in it.

She looks up, scrunches her nose and points the charcoal pencil at him and swirls it in front of his face. She is definitely chanting something for his entire focus is somehow refueled with so much curiosity for their Daun.

"That." She only whispers.

"Huh?" He unintelligently hums.

Without replying, she bends down again to the picnic table and to her task.

The two of them are on a wooden bench set at the beach front underneath a dark blue canopy. It's still so early in the morning. The sunlight is still gentle on the skin as it slowly scatters through the land. The air still has the moist of the morning dew. The horizon seems to vanish as the sky and the sea is like a continuous canvas of greys and light blues.

After drinking so much last night, the others are still snoring in dreamland. Thankfully, having low alcohol tolerance, Taehyung didn't drink that much. With that he is able to see the wonders of his soulmate and see how the world seems to hush for her to focus.

After waking up, he was wondering what compelled him to get down for a water when he was not that thirsty. The house was so quiet, except the peaceful breathing of his brothers, the whistle of the gentle sea breeze and the lazy humming of the gushing waves.

It made him lethargic. As he was drinking, he was looking through the wide sliding glass doors, overlooking to the beach when he noticed her.

Their soulmate was sitting on a wooden bench. Her back was bent down to the picnic table, very much focused, obviously drawing on her sketch pad.

Indeed, the world seemed to have been silenced as Taehyung gazed on her so dearly. He couldn't see anything else but her with her white dress, so serine and so in tuned with whatever masterpiece she was creating. Without knowing, his feet had already stepped outside and had walked towards her. It's as if, his limbs had a mind on their own, being pulled with the red string of their souls.

And now, on another bench, just across where she is sitting, he had been silently gazing on her, grinning from time to time, studying how her brown hair moves with the gentle caress of the wind. How her lips pucker and straighten as she bites them, a habit he had long noticed whenever she was in her own world. Her eyes would sometimes squint. Her brows would meet and she would babble gibberish as if she's casting spells towards the paper. Her lashes would flatter and her dimples would peek when she likes the dark strokes of her lines and curves.

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