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Human growth and psychology play a hugely affects the strength of soul bounds.


The curtains are drawn to the sides. The sun rays passing through the window has somehow made its glass a prism, creating rainbows upon her cheeks. The seven colors are vividly shining brightly like magic. She is not aware of it though. Its brightness is just warming up her skin, slowly coaxing her away from dreamland.

Refusing to follow the warmth of the day, her eyes remain close, seemingly chasing in the last tidbits of her vision. Though it had zoomed out back to the void, she can still smell the fragrance of its wake. She can smell flowers and woods in the first morning of spring.

Her nose crinkles.


She would want that. She likes to dream of flower fields, of cherry blossoms, and of birds flapping about, tweeting and singing their praises to the early morn. She can practically hear the streams of melted snow and little giggles of children playing along its crystalline pure water. She would smile and laugh with one or two of her soulmates, hugging her to more warmth. She could hear them whisper eternal promises of comfort, happiness, and love. She could feel them at her back breathing...

She slowly opens her eyes but squints on the light and groans. She turns her head away from the window and to the space beside her.

There she sees one of her seven. His eyes crinkles to a crescent moon, elated to see that she has finally awaken. They follow hers as she squints and observes, not yet absorbing the fact that it was not the same man she was with the entire night.

"Good morning or should I say noon?" She hears him whisper.

"Jiminie?" She croaks, confused.

She sees his lips curves into a huge smile, his crooked teeth showing. He then moves closer. His minty breath is like a summer breeze. She squeaks and immediately pulls up the blanket. Her face burning up, knowing how naked she is underneath the cloth.

Jimin smiles fondly. He sees her immediate panic but had chosen not to comment about it.

"How was your sleep?" He gently asks instead. The corner of his eyes crinkles as he merrily and tenderly watches her morphed into a tomato.

She unconsciously bites on her finger tips and looks wherever but his eyes. "It's okay." Her voice is almost inaudible.

She can't dare stare at him. Her mind is currently filthy with all the love making with her Hobi. Her sore body is a testament of it.

"How was it?" She hears him ask as he giggles.

Words can't explain the pleasure that she had felt and is still feeling. Though tired, but she feels feathery light. Her nether lips still pulsating with the memory of the night. Her skin is tingling especially on her right butt cheek. She smiles, thinking that it could be an aftermath of their connection. It feels like that her Hobi is still torturing her again and again... But she won't tell that to Jimin.

"Where is Hobi-oppah?" She wants to swerve the conversation to the said man.

She hears Jimin giggling once again as he replies... "He is running a warm bath for your sore body."

"Jiminie!" She can't help but exclaim. She then pulls the blanket over her head to hide from him. 'Does he know?'


Unbeknownst to her, the rest of her soulmates had arrived before midnight and saw the slightly opened door of her bedroom. Jungkook excitedly ran towards it as he remembered that it was his turn to sleep beside Daun. However, what he saw as he turned on the lights was rather unexpected... or expected, depending on who's opinion it was.

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