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Soul tear is one of the reasons of death between soulmates. It is seldom to have only one piece of the soul survive if the tear is not mended.


She doesn't know if she still in the void or not. She doesn't know if she is awake or still a sleep. She is not sure. It is burning hot and she can't focus. The space is spinning around and around. The shadows swirling like a tornado, strong and angry until it comes to a stop. Maybe she is back again to the endless abyss that she was in. The room is so dark but if she can just squint her eyes and focus a little more, she can see the white ceiling with the warm color of the night. She tries to move. She tries to look around. She can't.

She groans in annoyance but it comes out as a soft moan. She closes her eyes again with the failed attempt to stay. She lets the darkness consumes her once again.


Her eyelids heavy as she tries to open it. She wants to peek. She wants to know what are the voices talking about. They seem to be talking about her. They seem to be talking at her. She wants to join with the conversations. After all, it would be rude not to answer. She once again tries but it is so difficult. It seems like her own body is not permitting her to do it. With her pointless attempts, the room silences. She surrenders. Why bother? She can no longer hear them now anyway. Perhaps they are just delusions molded by her delirious mind.


She hears the beeping sound. Its loudness is like screaming on her ears. 'Can somebody stop it please. I'm trying to sleep.' She annoyingly thinks. Her hands want to swat the thing away. She hears gasps, not sure if they are elated or horrified. She is so damn annoyed to care. She feels the coldness of hands against the hotness of her palms. Minutes by and it morphs to a delicious warmth. The gentle hold and caress of the fingers are soothing her growing irritation. 'Ahhh... this is comfortable.' She awes as she squeezes the hands lightly.


It's warm. It's no longer cold nor hot. She likes it. She hums in appreciation as she feels two pairs of arms hugging her on her both sides. Whoever they are, she feels grateful. The arms tighten as she able to wiggle a little. She can't mistake the happy giggles and groggy chuckles as she feels a peck on her cheeks. She likes it more.

Hours after, she is able to open her eyes again. She focuses on a certain spot, trying to make out where she is, before she looks at the movements on her peripheral view. It surprises her, but rather being alarmed, she feels safe. 'Finally, she is not alone on the darkness.' She thinks as her lips curve into a grateful smile. She hears a soft chuckle as a hand tucks a strand away from her face. Her dimples peeks as she closes her eyes again. She hears the voice hums a lullaby as she continues with her slumber.


"I like her complexion now. She is no longer pale." Namjoon caresses her left cheek. His huge physique hovering over her as he sits beside the bed. His hands, can't help but touch. It's soft akin to a baby's skin. It's supple and bouncy. He can't admit that he is addicted, but it's already kind of like that. It has become a habit to caress her face and trace the place where a dimple pops whenever she smiles.

"She likes it." Yoongi mutters as he closes the book he's been reading.

"Really?" The leader excitedly asks. "You like that Love?" His voice elated, now gently poking her with his index.

"How about now?" Jungkook asks as he holds her palms firmly into his. He massages them, wanting any response from her.

"Can't hear." Yoongi stands as he looks over her.

"Can you just let her be? Let her rest more." The eldest groans in annoyance. He suspects that if he is their soulmate, he would be shooing them away to let him sleep. They are just disturbing her with no end. Well... he just wants to monopolize her more. Now that he can't be away from her longer than the others. After all, he has a direct emotional connection to her and her touch is more important than theirs... as of now of course. This fact has been swelling his heart for some time now. Yes, he is so damn proud and selfish. He can't help it. He really likes to gloat to them his purpose for their Daun, more than ever.

"Suppressants are sure scary. The withdrawal is making her immobile. I hope she would wake up soon." Hoseok wishfully comments.

"Her body is not used without it yet." Taehyung nods as he adds.

"Thankfully she's no longer on ventilator and her fever has gone already." Jimin smiles as he adoringly looks at her.

The three are seated on a large couch, farther away from the bed. They don't want to irate the eldest more if they crowd them again. They had been yelled for doing so last night when they heard her groan. No one can blame them, their entire being is screaming to protect her. They just worry so much. If they could, they would be huddled up with her the entire time just to hasten the healing of her soul.

"Come on... She's strong." Yoongi says.

"Hey... Sweetheart... When will you open your eyes and look at us again? Hmmn?" Jin says as he caresses the other side of her cheeks.

Her lips curve a little.

They gasp. They can't mistake it. She is sure more responsive now.

"What does she say?" The eldest looks at Yoongi expectantly.

"She calls us soulmates." The second eldest's eyes teary. "She's more like chanting it." He adds, grinning.

"We are here. We won't go anywhere." The other six nods smiling as they hear Yoongi converses with her. They could only hear his voice though as only Yoongi has the ability to hear her... for now.

She had been on and off of her consciousness. She's never fully awake every time she opened her eyes. She could not stay awake longer. The doctors had explained to them that she is suffering from an intense suppressant withdrawal. Her body screaming for her usual dose of suppressants. With the amount of such drugs circulating in her blood, it would be difficult for her to cope up with it. That is why, high fever would break out from time to time. If she wakes up, she would be unresponsive.

The doctors diagnosed that it would take days for her to wake up. If she wakes up, she would suffer headaches and might have body spasms, even with the medicines that they had injected to her. The more if their soul bounds won't be mended immediately. That is why, they had taken the entire month off of their schedules and had done nothing but assure physical contact with her. Their CEO himself had suggested it. With the latter's support, the seven happily oblige. After all, they have to be perfectly healthy before they can work. Let the company do their own thing and handle all the media and their ARMYs. They would definitely understand. The most important now is them and their Daun.

Since Yoongi has the Soul Hear, they had been depending on him to know her wants and needs. Though her inner voice has been weak and he can't always hear her clearly, as expected with the current level of their soul bounds, Yoongi doesn't mind telling them. He is just happy when he could hear her inner voice again.


Her calling them that makes their hearts flutter with fondness.

It's the 14th time now since she calls them that. They make sure to count, especially Yoongi.

Does this mean she is finally accepting them?

Is this the start of the most awaited completeness?

They can't wait for the time that she completely heals and hear her utter the same word with her own voice.

Together they look at their angel, their princess, with so much hope for a happy future once she awakes.

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