76. DUO

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WARNING: Please be warned that this story is rated mature. This chapter contains explicit sexual scenario. Please proceed with caution.

People with Soul dreams easily reacts to the loss of soulmates especially those that are yet to be bounded.

"I'll bring this for you, babe." Jimin sweetly takes Daun's belongings from her hands.

"Thanks." She mirrors his smile with her dimpled one, grateful with his thoughtfulness.

"Only for you." Jimin winks as he couldn't help on pinching her cheeks. He then walks by her side, making sure to walk on her pace.

"Hey!" Daun exclaims as someone pats her bum, easily curling her stomach with the tingles that surprisingly zings through her core.

"Oppps. Sweetheart, couldn't help it." Hoseoks feigns innocence as he teasingly bops her butt cheeks once more. She could even hear Jimin giggling with the older's antics.

"Oppah!" Daun whines as she could only pout at the men. She couldn't tell them how his simple action could elicit such effect on her groin.

"Love. You are walking funny." Namjoon chuckles by her ear.
Daun blushes more.

All of them are heading towards their cars. Vacation is already over and they have to go home.

While her seven walks twice as fast, she remains slower than she usually is. She couldn't help it as she feels so sluggish. Though she feels light, but her system seems to have an overdrive and needs its rest. Perhaps the thought of ending their uninterrupted time together with no work schedules to mind had made her weak or she was just exhausted. It's definitely the latter for she couldn't feel being upset from being left alone again while they will be at work. Not to mention how she couldn't get even a blink of sleep with how the two, Taehyung and Yoongi, had kept her awake till the sun had risen.

She halts with her step with someone's arms enclosing her to a back hug. His nose is purposely rubbing her skin. His warm breath is fanning the back of her neck, sending sensations right through her spine.

"Hmn. You smell so good, baby." His voice is cotton-candy soft. It's melodious as if he is a child happily taking his favorite treat.

"Kookie! Don't you ever start." She whisper scolds, trying hard not to raise her frustrations any longer.

"I know. You're sore. Just here for a sniff." He hums as he sways with her in his arms with their awkward walk.

Daun just helplessly sighs with Jungkook. There is nothing that she can do when he starts to act like this. He has been open to all his advances to her. No more hesitations. May it be kissing her feverously, making her heady and messy or cuddling her up in a very tight cocoon even in front of the others. She is happy. However, he could be as sickeningly sweet as Taehyung with their insistent skinship.

"Stop that Jungkookie! You are not a dog. Didn't you understand how heavy you are? You are making it harder for Daun to walk. Stop it already and get moving." Jin comes in her rescue with her rap like scolding. She couldn't help but gratefully smile with the eldest, earning her a wink. "You have made us late already." He even adds.

The last statement is a strike of lightning. She immediately turns red. How else. She had to do something about it. Jungkook was so clingy to her the entire day. He was not just sniffing but also licking her skin, making her burn, and reawakening her arousal, which prompted for him to do more. She morphed into his helpless love bug, always eager in all his kisses and touches. He had said how addicting her scent is when she is aroused, the more after sex. And the youngest, like an addict didn't hesitate to waft her fragrance only for him to bathe on it.

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