12. FAN

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Theory: The older the people get, the lower the probability that they can meet their soulmate. The oldest recorded account of meeting the soulmate was 50 years old. The biggest gap between soulmates ever recorded is 42.


She's pink, going red any minute now. She's muttering words to herself. Scolding herself for being an idiot. She embarrassingly peeks over to the two men on the sofa. One is asleep while the other is looking around her place. His eyes curious, finding everything interesting.

Their eyes meet and she hurriedly shies away, looking on the pot of soup she's making. She deduced that they have been out drinking and a bowl of soup is a perfect recipe as a piece offering. As what people say, a man's heart is through his stomach. She has to do her best on this.

The man stands up, both hands are on his pockets. He then approaches the kitchen counter and sits on the stool. His two hands on his chin, studying her.

"You love plants..." "I am so sorry..."

The two of them simultaneously say. She can hear him chuckles.

"You first." He urges.

"I am so sorry for locking you out from your penthouse." She sincerely says. She was too occupied on another rare plant that she just bought at the shop across the building. So excited for another addition of her collection. She failed to notice that she's been pressing her password on the wrong door. She blames this to the uniformed layout of the building and her clumsiness. She has been living for two weeks now in the building and she still manages to be lost. One time she was even on the wrong floor.

"I swear, I meant no harm. It was just pure mistake." She bows.

"It's okay. As long as we have somewhere to sleep tonight." There is an amusement on his voice.

She smiles with a nod. She turns off the stove, wipes her palms and stretches it out to Yoongi for a handshake. "Daun." She introduces herself.

"Yoongi." His voice is strained. She can see a bit of hesitation on his eyes as he watches her hands as he introduces himself. He replied without taking her hands. She sheepishly smiles and awkwardly takes back her hands, assuming the man doesn't like handshakes.

She understands.

She too is a bit aloof to people, in fact, it's seldom she allows anyone on her place. Not to mention men, but what can she do, she is at fault here. She has nothing to do but to redeem herself and invite the men in her penthouse just across from theirs. She can't imagine them sleeping on the hallway just because they couldn't get in because of her. She's just thankful that the man hasn't reported her.

"I hope you forgive me." Her voice is low. She takes a bowl, serves the soup to him and took the stool opposite to him. His veiny hands took the spoon and tastes it. Her eyes are ogling to them. She is studying him while he was slurping her soup. She find him attractive. He is very handsome. The two of them in fact. She can't help but appreciate the flawlessness of his skin, the whiteness of it, not so typical for a Korean man. His nose is cute and his mouth pouts a bit when he eats. He's shoulder is wide and manlier than the one on the sofa. And his hands... so attractive. They are huge in comparison to hers. They are very manly. She wonders how they would feel. Perhaps they are rough. She doesn't mind to be choked on it. She blushes, so scandalized with the way she is thinking. She hears him chuckles and meets his eyes. Her eyes widen, the man is smirking at her. She was just caught red handed.

She hurriedly excuses herself and got a bowl for herself. She can feel his eyes studying at her as she eats. She can't bring herself to raise her head...too embarrassed. Her awkwardness stops her from conversing on him. The penthouse becomes silent, nothing but the sounds of silver wares on the bowl , the soft hum of the air conditioner and the sound of running water. This alerts her.

Surprised, she looks over to the other man walking out from the comfort room. He seems so familiar with the surroundings as he walks around with closed eyes. He somehow decides to go back to the sofa, muttering about how his hyung has finally found a very comfy one and how he is deceived for an eat out but ended up drinking instead. He dramatically groans and holds his stomach as he mumbles about being hungry.

"Do you want soup?" She worriedly asks. She giggles when the man abruptly sits up and ogles at her, eyes so wide and watery from sleep. He is so adorable.

Her brows furrow as the man stands up and steps towards her, face in obvious disbelief. As if she's a dragonfly he's about to catch, he slowly brings his hands towards her red cheeks. Yoongi quickly puts a bowl to his hands before she can feel his fingers on her skin.

"Behave Kook." Yoongi says and drags the other's shirt to sit him on the stool beside him. The other however is still mesmerized and continues on looking at her. She could see swirls of emotion on his eyes. "You're scaring her." Yoongi calmly says as he brought the entire bowl the younger's open mouth and forcefully feeds him.

Daun laughs. It's so funny witnessing the younger's confused face as he slurps the soup up and moans with its taste. He is definitely hungry.

She stands to get seconds. Happily pouring more of her secret recipe to another bowl when she hears Yoongi scolding his friend Kook about not to be so obvious.

"Daun right? It's you right?" She can hear the vulnerability of his voice. Confused, she watches him sniffs as if trying not to cry. "We went to your exhibit but you were not there." He continues, now tearing up. "Your website is down. We could not find you. You don't even have any social media... We thought, we will not be seeing you anymore." He hiccups.

We? Exhibit? Her eyes jumps between the two. Yoongi sighing but smiling towards her while the other is gasping for air. Kook's teary face is a mess, maybe because of alcohol. Definitely he is one of those people who cries their hearts out when drunk.

As if connecting the details, she clasps her hands together. "Ahhh... You're a fan?" Her heart souring finding another one of her fan. They are sure dedicated, she deduces. It's seldom to meet one. "Happy to meet you." Her smiles are blindingly bright.

"Hmmm???" She hums unsure why their eyes are wide in disbelief. Yoongi's hands are on mid air and mouth agape. Kook on the other hand stops crying, though hiccups escapes from his lips.

"Eat up! Let's talk more when you're completely sober!" Her eyes sparkles with joy. She's much more thankful that they are her fans. Maybe one of her loyal patrons. No wonder she feels comfortable and at ease. No wonder she feels happy to be with their presence. No wonder she did not hesitate to welcome them in her place even though they are men, even though they are drunk.

No wonder she feels heart broken just imagining the two sleeping at the lobby. No wonder...

If only she knows.

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