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Theory: The effects of Soul bounds on the first touch varies from one person to the other. One may feel an intense electric sensation while the others may compare to a tiny bite of an ant.


He groans. He can't fathom how someone could be so active this early. It seems that someone is hammering the wall. It's constant pounding disrupts his slumber. Not to mention the sound of something tinkling. The sound so familiar to his ears, a Brass Wind Chime perhaps? There is an occasional dragging of heavy objects across the room. He is contemplating on who among his hyungs is so annoyingly bored this morning... Their Jin-hyung?... and then something clicks.

He is not in their dorm. He opens his eyes abruptly and regrets on it as the sun harshly beams on his orbs. When he adjusted, he notices the white walls and the white ceiling. The white bed sheet and the white pillows. Everything is white.

'Definitely, not my room.' He confirms and so everything that happened last night comes into mind. He smiles.

He excitedly jumps off the bed, makes sure that it is well made before he goes in the bathroom to wash his face and brushes his teeth. He looks over to his reflection, reciting words of greeting to Daun.

"Hi!...Hello!... Yow.... What's up..." He crunches his nose, not liking any of those words. They are so cringey to his ears. He could still hear the muffled pounding outside of the room but it's nothing in comparison to the loud beating of his heart. He is nervous. He doesn't know how to approach her. He doesn't know what to do. He's self conscious. What if he snore loud last night? What if his breath smells? What if...

"Where is hyung anyway?" He ponders. "Where is he when I needed him most?" He checks the mirror for any imperfections. And when he thinks it's enough, he closes his eyes tightly hoping for a very good start and strides towards the door.

Each thump of his heart is louder as the last as he slowly makes his way towards the living room. The moment he sees her, he freezes. He can't bring himself to step a little closer as he watches her gathering the tools that she had been using. He deduces that she had been busy hanging the tingling ornament, an oriental wind chime, as he notices a hammer among her tools, a huge shelf purposely dragged to the door frame of the balcony, perhaps for her to reach the height. He chuckles as he realizes how short their Daun is. Unable to make a move, he silently watches her form. She is wearing a white dress with floral patterned lace on the hem. Her dark brown hair in a messy bun with some strands flowing along her small face. Her cheeks puffed with her lips in a pout, perhaps a habit of hers. There is a look of content as she busily tidying up the space. She looks so innocent and cute.

As the tinkling intensifies, the memories of young Jungkook telling the world that he would know his true love when he hears bells, rushes in. He would definitely love her at first sight. Though this is not the first time he sees her, but he is definitely have fallen again and again to her.

"Watch out!" He exclaims as he notices the wind chime falling over her head. With his fast reflex, he pulled her away from it, hugging her close to his chest. His arms shielding her head.

Both of them gasps, with her utter confusion and shock while him, with the intense electric sensation that abruptly creeps on his veins. It travels from his right hand to his chest and towards his head making him a little bit dizzy. His left knee gives in and the two of them wobble and fall down on the floor. Everything happened so fast, but the sensation that Jungkook feels is like frozen in time. It's like hot liquid flowing through his veins and making him heady with too much euphoric sensation.

"Oh My!" She gasps for air. Her voice shaky, unable to quickly discern what really happened. Her eyes wide.

Daun's face is inches away from him. He can clearly see her beauty mark just below her left eye. Her tiny pores of her flawless porcelain like skin, a bit blushed. The tiny beads of sweat at the sides of her face seems to glow with the morning sun that illuminates the room. He shuts his eyes as if blinded by her.

Noticing his furrowed brows and eyes tightly shut as if in agony, Daun abruptly lifts herself and kneels before him.

"Are you alright?" Her voice is laced with great concern.

He groans. Her voice is like an lethal aphrodisiac that's making his body quiver. Not to mention her close proximity where he can smell her scent, a potent floral scent, so akin to those perfumes used by his Yoongi-hyung and Jimin-Hyung. The waft of smell, adds to the sensation that he is feeling. It gives him goosebumps. He has this urge to hold her in his embrace, bury his nose to her neck and smell all of its sensual aroma.

"Kook-ssi?" She inquires, using the name Yoongi called him last night.

His eyes widen in alarm as he feels her holding his two hands. The sensation is stronger this time. He can notice the light golden glow of his arm. Good thing, he is wearing his usual long sleeved black hoodie, a fashion he habits to cover his tattoos and the Soul ink on his right arm. He swears, he can feel it beating alive.

He sweats. He fears she would notice. How would he break into her that he is her soulmate? He is still basically stranger to her. He can't just casually reveal it. What if she'll reject him?

"I'm okay." He softly smiles, convincing more himself than her. He is okay.

He casually hides his right arm and stands as he scratches his nape in embarassment. There is a pinch of uncertainty on her face, somehow unconvinced of his words.

"Where's Yoongi-hyung?" His eyes wondering nervously, searching for his hyung's help. He's known to be awkward with girls. His nerves are acting whenever he is with one. Her being his soulmate is making it worse. It's not helping that her scent and the effects of her touch is still swirling within him. His whole being is screaming at him to just fuck it all and tell her.

Still worried, her shoulders sagged in relief. At least his okay. She then informs him of Yoongi's meeting. She believed it to be so important as the older hurriedly rushed out.

Jungkook nods. His eyes wonder towards the wall clock. 10:15 am. He freezes. All the nerves melts away as it comes into him. A schedule he needs to be with at this very hour. A very important interview.

"Fuck" He curses. His mind so confused. A part of him wants to stay and be with her, while the other wants to run, do the interview, and be done with it. Perhaps he can visit her again? Thank her for her generosity?

"I'm so thankful that you welcomed us here!" He bows sincerely.

"Don't mention it." Her hands stopping his gestures. "It was my fault anyway." She sweetly smiles.

Goodness... It's very hard to leave her. His will is melting him to stay, but he has to go.

He excuses himself and left, promising that he would come back.

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