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The average age of soulmates having the the soul ceremony is 23 years old.

The flowers are in full bloom. Laughter dances through the air. Couples are out and about, hands linked, smiles bright and merry for the wonderful weather. Children are skipping and running with glowing happiness, giggling and squealing with glee.

'Spring sure brings the best of everyone.' Daun smiles as she observes the people at the park. She feels no emptiness, only contentment. Unlike before, she deemed herself pitifully alone. She felt she didn't belong. Now, she feels elated to be back in the place with crowds of picnic goers, happily basking the raining petals of cherry blossoms.

She looks down to her sketch book on her lap. She grins with the scene in charcoal. Instead of the people before her, she drew her seven. She had hoped that they are here with her, but she knows that the same as her, they are in the process of indulging themselves with their art.

Time really passes by so fast. They already went for a performance in Grammys and went home bringing the trophies of their well deserved award. It was an experience to watch them not just as her soulmates but as well as the idols that is loved by the entire world. They are practically Korea's pride. All medias were all about them. Even the business news were all about them. It was a very proud moment. Since then, they are mastering yet another choreographies for their upcoming new album and the tour that would follow after.

Contrary to what she feared, she didn't feel any remorse for being left alone in Korea while they were in America. How else, they had been compensating it with their total attention and care. Not a single night had passed, since, without them by her side. As what Yoongi promised, they always make sure to come home to her. They even asked her to be with them in America for three days but she refused for she has other things to do too. She can't just watch them achieve their dreams without her making efforts for hers. With that they promise for more time with her and they never lie.

There were always something that they could do in every time that they are together. Some were spent with games, or movie viewing, or just lazing around. Some nights were even spent with passion. Their actions speaks volumes than any love confessions and they never forget to remind her that. Their time and efforts had always made their soul bounds stronger.

Her phone vibrates, cutting her musings.

"Hello." She gently smiles as she answers.

"Hi, Love. Where are you now?" Namjoon's voice is a gentle whisper to her heart.

"I'm at the park right now. Taking some fresh air." She responds.

"What happened to the gallery?" He inquires.

"Many are visiting. Thank you for coming the other day. Lots of ARMYs came."

"Really? I was afraid it would have overwhelmed you or something."

"No. This time I have prepared." She giggles. She is grateful of having experienced the setback before with her small showcase. She had made it a point that it would never happen again.

One of her acquaintance who she had worked before had called after the vacation and had invited her for a collaboration on his huge exhibit together with other artists. She felt undeserving for the participating artists were already famous in the field. She was about to turn down the offer if not with Yoongi's strong insistence of her joining. She felt she was unprepared but Taehyung recalled some of her masterpieces she had displayed on her penthouse's wall and some which are still in her color room. Jimin and Jungkook seconded. No matter the reason she would supply, they would always find reasons to counter. With that, she agreed, which she never regrets.

"Do you think... Do you think they had noticed?" There is a pause of hesitation of his response.

"The what? Your thank-you note?" She feigns ignorance.

"Well... that was deliberately done for ARMY." Namjoon chuckles. "What I meant was the paintings." He clarifies.

Fated. That is the theme. When she learned about the theme, she realized and perfectly understood why she was invited since almost all of her paintings had been about soulmates under the alias name of Dreamer. An idea immediately came in mind, a scene she had dreamed once.

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