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Soulmates complete each other with each other's strengths. Love only follows after.


"Can you come with us Daun-ah?" Jimin's voice echoes through the grey walls of the corridors. He is seemingly bouncy as he tags her along with his chubby ringed fingers laced into her ringless ones.

Daun only purses her lips.

It's an easy question that she finds difficult to answer.

Yes. She wants to reply. Yet, her lips only trembles and she couldn't say it to him.

Why not? She could be with wherever they are. Logic tells her that she shouldn't be far away from them. After all, she is their soulmate and only five of them had established their soul bounds. Though Dr. Choi had expressed confidence that she would be well with their distance from her previous visit, she should still be there as their ever-supportive soulmate.

However, this is not her tour. This is not her work. They are not babies with the constant need of a nanny. Besides, they have a battalion of staffs and individual managers to take good care of them. It would be understandable if she will watch and cheer as they perform but she is not the type to squish herself to the thousands of their ARMYs and ignite her anxieties.

Daun is not prude. She is just thinking rather logically. What should she do there? Should she be at the sides, entertaining them as they busily prepare themselves in every performance? Should she be their water bottle holder? Should she be their... what?

She couldn't allow herself anymore to be a sitting duck and be as pretty as she could be. She had been like that with her papa. She should play the perfect daughter, entertain guests with her piano, and be a beautiful heiress of his conglomerate. She couldn't play like a doll anymore. Not if she has something to finish in Korea.

She should deliver all the commissions that she had accepted first before she could be with them. She can't just leave all her loyal patrons hanging. It would be impolite and unprofessional. She would be likely destroying the reputation that she had slowly cultivated in the industry for three years now.

She had told her seven about her feeling of wasting the time. She had been focusing too much on her paintings, resulting on almost neglecting them. She should perhaps complete every paid painting and then follow them after. That way, she won't feel worthless and a sore.

"Stop thinking that way." Yoongi tells her in a scolding voice. "You're never a sore."

"Yoonie!" She whines, her steps halting. 'I shouldn't be thinking this hard with Yoongi around. He might misunderstand.'

"No. I perfectly understand, Daun-ah." His face is serious. He's not even using his endearment for her. "We would understand for you to stay and to organize everything first. It just irks me whenever you think that you are a burden to us."

Her Yoonie is sure upset. His tongue on his cheeks. His eyes squints in annoyance. His fingers that were laced on her other hand is now kept in his pockets. "You go ahead." He simply adds and turn back to his genius lab, where the three of them had been.

"Yoon-" Daun wants to stop him, but his retreating back is something so haunting. The soft lighting seems to be embracing her soulmate to the darkness and hide him to a faraway door of his studio.

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