91. MEND

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Soul signs hindered with suppressants can only be sparked with physical connection with the soulmate.


Her lips are wet and warm with a very familiar pair of plump lips, caressing and coaxing her to wake up. Her lids, heavy from the comfort of sleep, slowly opens with the tingling sensation and sees the naughty smirk of an angel.

"Hey." He gently whispers and steals another kiss on her lips, sipping out her sleeping soul to total consciousness.

"Hmn." She unintelligently hums. Her head is clouded with haze and the arousing warmth of his lips. She wonders on his holy presence. 'Am I in heaven?' She has to ask herself. Why somehow this particular angel is heating her body in hellfire? She can't seem to escape.

"We are leaving now." He says with a look of amusement in his eyes as hers widen in realization. She almost forgot that they have to leave for an early TV appearance and a rehearsal to their concert. "Take care of yourself and Jin hyung okay? We will be back before you know it."

"Uhuh." She nods. Ironically, she doesn't feel her heart clench with his goodbye. Maybe because she knows too well that they will be close, no longer oceans apart from her. It eases her heart to a comfortable beat.

"Babe?" She feels his fingers tickling her chin. "I'm going now. The others are already waiting." He whispers as he untangles her fingers that had found their way to his sleeve.

"Kiss me first." She woozily asks. "Then, Jiminie... please hurry back home." She begs.

"Of course... If only we can ditch this schedule, we would. We will be here with you." Jimin's eyes are crescent as he lovingly smiles in reply and then adoringly kisses her deeper, sealing his promise.

Daun smiles as she follows him walking away and disappears through the door. She couldn't help on giggling with the obvious reluctance of leaving her behind.

The door gently shuts, leaving the room into silence.

The warmth of his kisses still lingers. With her mind already wide awake, she remembers the way Jimin's plump cherries bit hers into a small moan.

She rolls flat on her back as she lazily relives the moment. As her mind starts to focus on her surroundings, her eyes almost pop through their sockets. Why else, right above her, upon the mirrored ceiling is her flashed reflection, with chocolate hair spread like an untangled net against the grey pillows and a white shirt hiked so high it reveals the lacy thong that her Hobi picked. The man was right. She looks like a sin. The thing that surprises her above all is the other angelic, beautiful man in his dream world, just inches away from her.

"Jinnie." She gasps his name, making him stir in his sleep. Jimin's presence almost made her forget about the man beside her. Before she could cover herself, he moves like a lazy slug to spoon her. His arms travel to her stomach and his leg raises to a possessive embrace. As he relaxes to his new found position, she can feel the soft caress of his breath above her head.

Daun melts.

A sweet curve forms on her lips. She misses this so much. She misses the feeling of being cocooned within Jin's arms and the way their hearts beat as one. She also misses the times they were early in the morning and cook breakfast and giggle with food tasting, making them half full.

She slowly wiggles and turns to face the sleeping man. She lifts her good hand to tuck away the hair on his forehead. It's much longer now. It's making him look softer.

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