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Children born in Multiples are considered special for they can have traits with anyone within the bond even though they are not biologically connected.

"Really?" Daun gasps with the revelation "He said that in an interview?" She couldn't keep the surprise in her voice. She could see Namjoon blushing as he is awkwardly about to hold the baby on his arms with Hannah's husband instructing him.

The two are quite close. Daun and Hannah just know a while ago that Hannah's husband, Ryu Ha-jun, has an elder brother who was actually Namjoon's close friend during his teens. Ha-jun, was practically like Jungkook who fell in love with Runch Randa, Namjoon's underground rap persona. He had been secretly idolizing the man, not even telling his wife, Hannah, about it. Now, as a dad, Ha-jun is so proud with his little angel and has been adamant to introduce the baby to Namjoon, claiming that somehow the latter could influence the baby with his superior genes.

Hannah just nods as she sips tea. She is giggling as she is watching the two men endearingly talking about the baby and their lives as new parents.

"Are you sure you trust Joonie with holding her?" Daun is about to stand when baby Boom is already in his arms without any supporting hands of Ha-jun.

"Relax... how can he be a dad without any practice?" Hannah simply states. The two of them are in the kitchen counter, sipping tea with cookies at the sides, while the two men who are wrapped around the tiny finger of baby Bom, are in the living room with the rubberized carpet and a crib at the side. It's a mess with diapers around and baby clothes. It's a beautiful mess, nonetheless.

"I am really surprised with that. He didn't tell." Daun says, still worried with the fragile baby Bom. After all, she is just more than a month old. She couldn't help notice how Namjoon readily asks the man to let him carry the angel.

Daun helplessly smiles.

Namjoon wanting to be a dad is something so surprising for Daun. The others has been mentioning babies especially Taehyung who has been dreaming about their little dimpled babies with their adorable naughtiness multiple times already. The others are always ecstatic to hear his descriptions except the leader.

The first time she noticed it, he was just silently listening, not even looking at the story teller. She thought he was just under the weather but she had noticed him stalling away and even excusing himself whenever Taehyung would have another dream to tell. So naturally, she had been thinking that he doesn't want one. Maybe it's enough for him for their future children to be sired by others. After all, the children will still be his own even though he is not the biological father. Perhaps he doesn't like any children at all.

Baby Bom's cry cuts her musings.

"Should we be there with them?" Daun once again worriedly asks to the comfortable Hannah who seems so poised, unmoved with her crying baby who immediately just chuckles and babbles with Namjoon's coo and Ha-jun's silly baby talking.

"Just let the men do their thing, besides, I couldn't trust myself with RM near. How could you bring the man here? Anyone would do. Why all among them? Why RM?" Hannah hysterically whispers to Daun as she leans to her.

Daun only giggles. Perhaps thinking Hannah so chill with her surprised visit with Namjoon in tow was just a hopeful thinking. Now she could see her walls of her being a fan is crumbling down as the minutes passes.

She just want her best friend to meet her ultimate idol. She had been evil to use Namjoon's insistence of doing whatever she wants for a forgiveness that she isn't quite sure when or where started. Not until Yoongi hinted how Namjoon had been guilty for halting everyone on telling her about their mom. She didn't mind it over time as she is now having good relationships with their moms. However, it seems that Namjoon had mistaken her calm silence over what happened. The bulky man had been clinging to her and didn't seem to stop unless she tells him anything to do. And so, she asked him to be with her in Gwanju.

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