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Nothing can break the bond of soulmates.


Being with BTS during overseas concert tours is exhausting. No. It's not her soulmates that exhausts Daun. Above all, it's not their tendencies of sneaking out from rehearsals to be with her. They can never be exhausting. They will never be. Instead, they give colors to the graying moments. They give life to the barren hours. They give warmth to the cold weather of rainy days.

It's not her seven that exhausts her. It's everything around them. The malicious whispers. The curious looks and heated stares. Not to mention the multiple staffs that always surrounds them. People tires her more and their penchant for questioning of who she is and what she is doing with them.

Daun is grateful of the Korean staffs who knows her already. Their managers would give her a room to breathe. The security guards allow her to wander around the cities that they had been. But she just can't walk around for more people are lurking outside. They are the predator, waiting for their prey, to ambush. They are just there around the corner waiting to pull her and induce venom to her soul. She is afraid of that. They are afraid of that. The horrors that they bare are more than any scary movies she could ever see. They are vile to the core. They are monsters waiting for an opportunity to rack or even destroy her relationship with her seven.

"I'm sorry if this is happening." She could still remember the clear sadness and disgust of Mr. Bang in an emergency meeting back in Seoul with her after they had arrived from their 2nd Muster – A Fan meeting concert that happened in Daegu.

Apparently, some pictures were spread. Pictures showed intimate moments of her and one or two of her seven. Moments that were private. Moments that she and one of them should only know, but they were able to procure. She didn't even know how it was possible, considering they had been careful.

She tried to be chill about it. After all, her face in the pictures was unrecognizable. But more had come and it made her so afraid.

"Hyung! This is not good." Her angel Jimin was furious, shouting to their security guards – a trait that she rarely see from her sweet soulmate. He had felt that the guards themselves were not doing their work enough.

"We are doing our best, Sir." The head security was tensed and regretful. They didn't have any reason for such failure. Not a week after, they had found out that one of the securities was giving tips to some paparazzi to take some photos of them and to sell it big to the media.

Now, given with new security guards, she is staying inside the hotel room while her seven are rehearsing in the Tokyo Olympic Stadium. No. It's not to cage her from the horrors of what could await there outside. No. It's not to suppress her instead of those malicious people. It's to make her breathe and feel at ease again. As an introvert, she feels safer this way, though she is safest with her seven. However now, her seven are not in the location that they themselves deem to be safe for her. They let her choose of course and she opted to stay. Her almost neglected art has been her sensible reason to do so. They understand it. Yoongi understands it. Jin, too.

Her gaze lands to the horizon, beyond the towering buildings of the city. The sky is a bit clear after a drizzle of rain. The clouds that were gray are like cotton candies with the colors of the fire. The oranges and reds are pretty on its expanse as they welcome the night. Smiling, she put down her brush and picks up her phone to snap a picture of it. She walks closer to the balcony and decides to take a picture down below, where people walk along the crossroads and to the sidewalks. She giggles with how small they are in her screen.

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