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Newer generations are more accepting on the possibility of polygamous relationships. The same is true with same sex soul bounds.

It seemed like yesterday that they had spent their time freely with each other. There were no schedules to mind. They could do whatever they want. They could make the night as day and the day as night. There were only eight of them lovingly and happily lounging about as they share the pleasures of being together.

It's a lie to say that she doesn't miss it. However, she likes it like this too. Each of them are back to chasing their dreams. Each of them are indulging on their art. Her seven as musical artists and her as a painter.

The time spent together perhaps are becoming smaller, yet she treasures it as much. They may leave her alone for a day as they go to their workplace, allowing her to use again her "Color room" at her own penthouse, but they never forget to get home to her. They would sometimes get her for a night out, to a fancy dinner or just allowing her to cook for a delicious feast for them.

This time, she is at the reception hall of their company, waiting for them to fetch her and allow her to take a peek to their world.

She smiles, breathing in the beauty of the place. It's a contrast to the coldness outside. It's already February yet she feels like it's already July.

Daun is at the grand entrance of the building, a testament of their blood sweat and tears. It screams modernity yet at the center of it is a mini tropical forest, bursting with life. It's like a whole ecosystem just sprouted at the middle of the grey tiled floor.

The ingenuity of incorporating such fauna to the sleek grandeur of the Hybe building sparks her artistry.

"Lee Daun-ssi?"

Daun's head whisks to the person calling her name. It was coming from a chubby person with a very friendly face and an accommodating aura. His small eyes are but a line as he squints towards her direction, seemingly surprised of her presence.

"Pardon?" She awkwardly smiles. She doesn't know who the person is. She doesn't even know if there is someone among the employees who knows her.

The man steps towards her, leaving the rest of his companions. Judging from his well dressed companions opposed to the man's casual outfit, he seems to be an executive or something. He looks rather important to be accompanied with such body-guard like delegates.

"I'm Bang Shi-hyuk." He introduces. "It's nice to finally meet you." His smile is wide and geniune as her jaw almost drops with realization.

Immediately, she reaches out for a hand-shake and deeply bows.

"It's my honor to meet you, Bang Shi-hyuk-nim. Thank you so much for taking good care of them."

He chuckles. "It's a surprise that you are here."

True enough, her seven had been asking her to come visit them as they work, only for her to refuse each time. She doesn't want to be a burden. Besides, she also have something to do on her own and they understand that. After all, they are all creatives and artists tend to work best uninterrupted. This time, however, is different. There is something so important that she herself had ask permission for her to come.

"Ohh... I'm here since they can't be early at home." She only says the partial truth.

"Home? It's new to hear that from those kids. They had always made their studios their home. The dorm was just for sleeping." Mr. Bang comments.

She only nods. She doesn't know what to make out of his remarks.

"I heard that you are into arts?" He asks. He seems to be very knowledgeable about her. Perhaps one of her seven had told him about her. She can't help but feel so touched.

"Yes, I am." She honestly says. Though he is a total stranger to her but the stories of their eternal gratitude to the man had made her feel at ease.

According to Jungkook, he is more like a father than the founder of their agency. He had instilled in them the importance of sincerity towards their craft and their personal happiness.

"Would you like to view our exhibit? I would like to hear your opinion about it." He suggests.

Before Daun could answer, someone clears their throat, interrupting them.

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