113. PRIZE

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Multiples' soul bounds can be temporarily replenished as a whole even with no physical intimacy to other mates.


It's quite except the occasional scratch of the pen to a paper, a small disgruntled grunt and then another crisp sound of crumpling paper which is then shoot into a small trashcan in a three-pointer manner.

Another frustrated sigh.

Min Yoongi has been in his studio for quite some time. By now, he should have written a verse or two. However, no matter how he squeezes the creative juices inside his genius mind, he couldn't write down even a line. He feels like no words is perfect enough to give justice to the theme that he had decided. It doesn't help that whenever he can think of a word, his mind would wrestle for something grander.

He is supposed to be good at it. Writing lengthy rap verses had been so easy for him. It could be technical or romantic. Whatever it was, it came like his second nature. Yet now, he is struggling.

The music is ready. It's exquisite. Yet, like a raw gem, he needs to polish and complete it to a priceless treasure. Just the thought of its final form, his whole being is pulsating with excitement. For that, he only has to write the lyrics and search for a lovely voice that would complement the enchanting melody.

That's the other thing that had been grumbling in his mind. It needs a voice that would make the song alive. He has one in his heart. A perfect candidate. The only one that had been casually meddling his thoughts. However, he is sure that the person would deny him even if he pleads. Perhaps, if he has the lyrics that would send chills to one's bones, the person would agree.

Sighing, he takes his phone, types an apologetic message and send to one of their in-house producers he is supposed to meet. He then sprints outside and towards his car, occasionally bowing to those who politely greets in his presence, not minding to stop for a short chat. He has only one goal in mind, to go home and be with his inspiration.


The penthouse feels warm as he steps in. Everything is immaculately clean with all the greens that has almost invaded the space. Though it's not that many, but months ago, plants were only Namjoon's bonsais. Now, there are potted palm plants peeping by the main balcony along Namjoon's little trees and tiny cacti on the shelves and on every surfaces. There are even plastic-like heart-shaped greens creeping along the ceiling, supported by little hooks.

Yoongi endearingly smiles as he takes time to observe his surroundings.

He is seldom at home with this time of the day, when the sun beams still illuminate the room instead of the light fixtures of the penthouse. He can see the big change from the months that Daun had been living with them. What to expect of seven men who only treats the penthouse as a sleeping space, not an actual home? With her, colors had sprouted from the usual greys and blacks. Bright pillows are on the couch. Intricate rainbow-colored paintings hung side by side with the neutral ones that were purchased by either their leader or by Taehyung. Hoseok's figurines are now in the open along with Jin's Super Marios. Some of Jungkook's and Jimin's collections are well blended and represented as decorations. It's like, with Daun, all of their likes have come together. With her unique way of decorating, everything seems to come in harmony.

It's not just their penthouse, their lives had been colorful as well. With their profession, everyone would think that their lives had been nothing but brilliant. People got it all wrong, for all the spot lights for them are just blues and greys. They often blind those that are drawn with its beauty. Like moths, one can be burnt out with the heat they bring. With Daun, life has become an easy whispery breeze of the early spring. He feels relaxed as he does everything with much vigor and purpose.

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