18. FALL

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It is possible for one person to have more than one soul bounds.


"I swear hyung... I didn't know that its my turn!" The voice is sweet, convincing him to believe. He pretends to look annoyed as he nods to the speaker. "Hyung..." The speaker pleas. He hears a different one calling him to start their shoot. A loud kissing sound is then heard with a cute childlike "bye~~" before he hears nothing but the comfortable sound of the car's engine.

He sighs as he looks over the rear mirror and turns the wheel for the last time to perfectly park the car. "You're on your own now Jin." He murmurs to himself. Satisfied, he goes out, opens the back door and takes all the gifts put inside the huge plastic bags. Some are school supplies, some are toys, and some are goodies that the children will surely love.

Not a while later, two teens excitedly come, offering their help. He adoringly messes their heads as he instructs them to give it to the head nun, letting her decide on what to do with them. He already called and the latter had happily invited him for their small monthly celebration for the children. "It's your month too." The head nun reasoned out and so he decided to come.

He looks over the gloomy sky and his shoulders sag. He worries, feeling the foreboding rain. He can feel the chill in the air with his padded jacket. "Will today be okay?" He asks himself.

His been feeling low since Tuesday. He can't understand himself for nothing had happened that would affect him this way. He deduces that it is because of their soulmate. Hobi mentioned meeting her the other day and revealed that she is friends with Ji-woo noona. Perhaps they had an emotional talk? Just like Namjoon's and his mom who are known to be so close among their parents. They tend to share secrets and all. They even saw them hugging and crying over their worries on the future of their beloved sons. "Women." He shakes his head. First thing they are laughing then next, they end up crying even over the tiniest things.

He hears the children's laughs and squeals louden as he walks on the brick path towards the playground. When he turns towards the wide area, he swears that the clouds part ways, showing the sun, beaming a ray at the center of the play ground.

His eyes widen in surprise. There he sees Daun, blind-folded, mouth wide, laughing. She is wearing a white long sleeved turtle neck paired with a long brown skirt. Her hair in a very messy bun. A part of it is braided. Some are curling on her cheeks. He smirks as he sees some fresh flowers adorning it. Some of its petals fall down as she tries to grab the giggling little children running around her. Each tries, she cutely roars, threatening their impending doom.

He walks towards a round table with a couple of chairs underneath the tree and sits to the one nearest to her, as he continues observing the happy scene. She's obviously been playing with the children long enough for her to have sweat so much. Her top has been sticking to her skin, making her breast obviously fuller. Tiny baby hairs are somewhat stuck on her forehead. Her sweaty figure is not disgusting at all. It even makes his stomach flatter.

He chuckles when one of the little girl runs towards him and hides at his back. He panics as she slowly steps towards him, somehow following the little girl's loud taunting. He's about to sneakily go away by crawling on the grass when he hears a cute roaring of "Got yah!!!" and feels her fingers holding his left arm. He stiffens as he can feel her finger tips touching his clothed arm, and then fondling his bicep. He looks at her face as it cutely contorts, sensing on something wrong. He gulps as she keeps on feeling him towards his collared neck and to his cheeks. He gasps and falls backwards the moment her fingertips connects to his bare skin. He can feel the electricity zapping on his entire body making his heart almost burst. She then looses her balance and lands on his chest. The children teasingly laughs pointing at the two.

She immediately snatches the blindfold away. Their eyes meet. Her eyes wide. She is a bit awestricken with how pretty his almond eyes are. They are gentle. She can see the familiar swirls of emotion on them. His stares gives her a pleasant goosebumps. She curls her finger and then realizes the situation.

"Oh God!" He hear her gasps and quickly attempts to stand but fails, ending up sitting on his lap, just right below his groin, also stiffening hard - an effect of her touch.

Both of them hear the simultaneous glee of all the children when someone from the building announces snacks. The children then runs inside forgetting them and leaving them on their own.

Both of them looks at each other then awkwardly laughs. He firmly holds the chair, attempting to stay sane when he hears her hiss.

"Can't you stand?" His voice comes out in a whisper, a bit annoyed, not to Daun, but to himself.

"I can't stand." She helplessly replies in whisper.

He sweats when she moans and moves over on his lap to hold her ankle. The action makes him harder. 'Damn'. His head is cursing words towards himself.

"Can't you move a little to the left?" He whispers again. She tries as he opens his legs causing her bum to land on the grass. She groans.

"I think, I twisted my ankles." He notices her crunching her nose and brows furrowing in pain. His mind automatically dumps all the unlikely thoughts away and start thinking on how to ease her pain. He abruptly maneuvers to lift her, bridal style. In surprise, she holds on his neck. He then sits her on the chair, feeling his knees weaken the longer her skin touches him.

"Are you okay?" Still whispering, he worriedly inquires, not minding his own delima.

"Can you take off the boots for me? Please?" Her eyes big, pleading. She is biting her lips for the pain she's in.

He sweats more. A week ago he was so jealous of how Yoongi and Jungkook met her and thought of different scenarios where he can show to her how manly and rightfully a soulmate he is. He was strategizing on how to make her fall for him again and again, giddy with every scenes his mind were imagining. All of those are now forgotten. All he can do is stare at her, lost on her pleading orbs, ready to do her every bidding.

Perhaps it's not her that fell on him.

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