13. LOVE

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Soulmates are matched to love each other unconditionally.


The soft glow of the bedside lamp spreads, creating a gloomy effect to the room. The same light illuminates his right arm as he inspects the lines and curves of several shapes of black ink. There are lots of doodles but one particular intricate drawing is what he's focusing at... a tiger lily.

It perfectly symbolizes him, not because it is his birth flower but because of the meaning it holds.

'Love me'. He whispers to no one.

A phrase that the little Jungkook harbors. He was born of love. His parents adore him as much as his eldest brother. As the youngest, he selfishly wanted to have all his parents attention. He didn't know why he was like that. He was constantly hungry for their praises.

Though shy, this want ignited the fire to be better if not best. He learned everything. From academics to sports, and even martial arts. He wanted to master all. To be unique for their eyes and to be someone to be more proud of, he decided to be a singer. This led him to be in BTS. This want also led many troubles with his hyungs.

'What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine, too.' He smiles as he remembers. "Everyone adores me, so nothing I do is bad". This was what he always thought. Fortunately, his hyungs were very understanding and gentle with him. Just like his parents, they molded him on who he is today.

Love me.

Definitely the same phrase that signifies him until now. He still finds ways to show off and make his hyungs adore him and be proud of him. He doesn't want to slack. He doesn't want to be the reason of worries.

Now that he knows her. He wants her to love him too. But gone is the boy that was selfish and desired everything for himself alone. He wants her to love them all.

The seven of them.

He also hope a relationship like his parents, so pure and blessed. He longs to experience an unconditional love. The kind in which one is willing to go through all the blades of the challenges in life, just to stay with that someone. The kind which one bet their all.

The moment he learned that he too has a soulmate, he was souring high. He almost forgot the embarrassment of being a Soulo that he was living by before the appearance of the inked lilly on his arm. He used to avoid any conversations about soulmates with his idol friends. All those times, he made sure not to mingle with those who gloat with their fate. He even avoided any family gatherings and see the look of pity of his cousins and his eldest brother, who is happily married with his soulmate. He was always with his hyungs, sharing the pain of being a Soulo, dedicating their lives on music and strengthening their brotherhood.

When the ink appeared, he wanted to shout to the whole world how, the same as the others, he too has someone to call a soulmate. His eternal love. A match made by Fate. He didn't care how it was late for the Soul sign to show. He was even gradually giving hints to their fans. Some congratulated him as they discovered and understood his metaphoric hints to them. Of course, some were bitter. Some were angry, possessive of their idol. He didn't care. A true ARMY would be happy for him.

When the Soulmate experts told them on the possibility that the seven of them are waiting for the same soulmate, for the same person, he became elated. He wished it to be true. He desired nothing more but to be with his hyungs forever. He doesn't care that they would share her. How perfect it would be that they will be a family. He can't wait for her to come. Love them of who they are. Praise them of their successes. Be happy with them with all of their endeavors. Laugh with all their jokes. Share their worries and happiness. Complete them.

He can't believe that they have found her again. He can't believe that they are even here, in her place, fed by her, and even sleeping on her spare room. He can't keep himself titters, imagining that their soulmate is just a wall away, comfortable on her sleep.

He feels so pleased to hear her giggle and laugh as they converse after their dinner. He's totally sober but he was on another kind of high. He seemed to be sitting on a cloud nine listening on how was she had a problem with the gallery after lots of girls came in the exhibit. Many are respectful but some are rowdy. She suspected that some idol was there on the event. Some of the store owners were furious and she could not do anything about it, but ask forgiveness and cut the exhibit short. It so happened that the website was taken down with the heavy web traffic that it experienced. He sweat. So... Basically it was their fault. But the matter of her new address was never brought out. They did not want her to suspect them as stalkers, so they never ask.

He was too engrossed on listening to her every words. Watching her as she animatedly talked with her hands, her little pout when she disagrees on something, clapped when she agrees, bumped her hands together when she remembered something, and the way she crunched her nose at times. She was so easy to read and he loves it. He certainly loves her and his Yoongi-hyung does too. He was so obvious with how attentive he was, so unusual of his behavior.

He could see him nodding in every words she said. How he was so engrossed on looking at her as she talked. How he wetted his lips as if thirsty. He hid it as he constantly drank on his glass of cucumber juice, another cocktail that Daun made. He can understand him. It started when she brought out those cucumber from her fridge and cut it into pieces for easy blending. His mind was too muddled with dirty thoughts on how she holds it and even innocently bite a piece to somehow check its crunchiness. She proclaimed that the juice is best to feel refreshed and to sober up. He and his hyung was so sweaty from the entire ordeal of her making that juice. It was worth it anyway, it definitely made them more awake, in another sense.

Oh, how would those lips feel.

Namjoon was right. The feeling of hugging her and kissing her was overwhelming. The alcohol in his system drained out as he tries his best not to smooch her.

One day. I can. We can.

His heart sunk a little when she announced that it's already time to sleep. She bowed again asking for forgiveness for letting them sleep in one room.

"Can't sleep?" Yoongi whispers to the younger.

"Hmmnnn..." He nods. Hands down, he watches the ceiling and see nothing but the image of her. The movement of the shadows created by the white curtains and the city lights passing the clear windows creates an imagery of happiness and love. He smiles. It makes him want to close his eyes and hope to vividly see it on his dreams.

"You know... I could just scan my thumb and it would reset." He hears the raspy voice of his hyung.

"I know." He whispers, voice so amused by his conniving hyung. His Yoongi-hyung is a security geek. He always makes sure to buy and use the latest technology. He even locked himself out once from his studio. That was then.

"Thank you Hyung." He whispers... finally ready for a contented sleep.

He can't wait for the morning to come.

He hears the other hums.

"Sweet dreams."

He will surely have.

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