75. CAMP

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WARNING: Please be warned that this story is rated mature. This chapter contains explicit sexual scenario. Please proceed with caution.

Soulmates with soul hear could hear the innermost desires of their soulmates even when in deep sleep.


Yoongi can hear Daun in her sleep.

No. She is not murmuring gibberish or moaning in any way. It's her active thoughts.  It's endearing. It's adorable and he can't put himself back to sleep and stop hearing her every chaotic thread of thoughts. It has no particular topic and always changing. It would range from childish remarks to lists of her classical musicians.
He tenderly smiles.

It's like Yoongi has a stereo loudly announcing all her thoughts as she dreams.

He couldn't help it. It's an automatic thing when she is near. His soul hear has gotten even more sensitive for she is currently pressed against him, tucked within his arms.

Now, however, her head is loud with something naughty. How he wishes he could see the visualization of her thoughts and maybe he could make it come true.

He wets his lower lip as he continues on listening her thoughts about their dicks and the pleasures of sex.

'Oh... This is why I don't like sleeping beside you, Daun-ah.' He winces as his pants begins to grow uncomfortably tighter with his hardening length.

True enough. He had avoided to sleep as often as he should beside her. All the others had done so, except him. Thankfully, she has been so understanding for it is definite that he wouldn't be resting even a tiny bit just like now.

He sighs.

His soul hear is both a blessing and a torture. Yes. He admits how wonderful it is to gain access on her thoughts. It's calming to know that she is comfortable and healthy as well. It is also entertaining to always hear her silly ideas pertaining to her art and to them. However, as time goes by, her thoughts have been more on her increasing attraction to all of them. It's even funny how she would scold herself for thinking naughty things. However, with time, she perhaps accepts the fact that it is all natural to think of them the way she does for they are soulmates.

Her thoughts now mostly dwells on the battle of thinking on between subtly showing her desires and the curiosity of heavenly pleasures. Daun is shy but as time passes, he can see her acting more of what she really wants with them.

'... and in the morning, perhaps make love with me?' He can't help but silently chuckles on remembering on her ideas as she said her requests. She was in fact struggling to say whether to fuck her or to cook for her. He had to stop her before she could utter the words, because he really doesn't like her to deny the wild honesty of her thoughts of wanting them to fuck her senseless until she begs them to stop. Because he knows that their Daun would deny it. She always tries to.

Their soulmate is so much kinkier in her mind and she isn't even aware of it. She would wish him to choke her with his veiny hands or for Jin to bend her on the counter with the chocolate syrup on her ass. She would sometimes imagine riding Namjoon's thighs. There are a lot of filthy things she had been thinking of. Some of which he couldn't dare to listen more for his cock would easily hardens. He had caught her thinking on how it would be better to taste test the sauce with his fingers instead with spoon the morning he had helped her in the kitchen. She even wondered how his sweat would taste if she would lick them. She was so red as he met her gaze, realizing how he could hear her and immediately excused herself to find the eldest.

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