Clashing Personalities ~ Vill-V x Reader

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Requested by crystal-like_blue.


You never meant for it to happen again, but it just did and you couldn't do anything but repent. Her crimes were yours to bear. She was your responsibility as were the rest, but of course, it had to be Rage who gets you into trouble.

'They're the ones who started it.' Rage remarks.

You huffed. 'That's hardly an excuse.'

It was her fault that you were in solitary confinement and more her fault for attracting the attention of Dr. MEI. Who in the right mind would want to be before the Head Scientist? Certainly not you, but it was partially your fault for not being able to contain Rage.

'You couldn't stop me if I did attempt to take control of your body.'

You ignored Rage and focused on the scientist before you who was unaware of the conversation between you and your other self.

"I'm willing to accept any punishment." You said, not bearing to maintain eye contact with the scientist standing in front of you. "I have no excuse for my actions."

"You're taking this surprisingly well compared to... other troublemakers." Dr. MEI informed. "It seems you understand the severity of your crimes."

You didn't raise your head nor react to her harsh wording, but you replied to her, "Yes."

The room falls silent. Dr. MEI sighs. "I won't punish you. However, I cannot allow this to happen again."

'It's hopeless now.' This time, it was Pessimistic who spoke.

'M-Maybe she'll give us another chance?' Sadness tried sounding optimistic. 'A-After all, Dr. MEI is a nice person. She said she won't punish us.'

Rage scoffs, but doesn't say anything.

"I assume you are aware of your condition?" Dr. MEI's voice pulls you away from the conversation in your mind.

You nod. "Yes."

"I'm not going to punish you." She repeated, almost like she was trying to assure you of your doubt. "However, it would be best if we resolve this matter as soon as possible. MOTH does not need a time bomb, least of all one capable of mass destruction."

'I hate this woman. She makes me want to gouge her eyes out.' Rage comments.

You can feel Sadness' mortification come through.

Pessimistic mentally shakes her head. 'It would be pointless. Her lover will stop you before that happens.'

"What will your choice be, (Y/N)?" Dr. MEI looks at you expectantly.

You hardly had a choice. "I understand. Just tell me what to do."


"Aren't you being a little mean?" The pink elf asked the raven-haired scientist.

Word travels around fast, especially when a MANTIS is rumored to be in confinement. Of course, Elysia would catch wind of this. Dr. MEI takes her glasses off and massaged the place between her eyes, exhausted.

"Elysia, we can't allow a rampant person to run loose. Especially one who has survived the MANTIS surgery. She's dangerous." Dr. MEI stresses. "She poses a greater threat than the Honkai itself were we to allow her to roam free. Her personalities are one thing, but with the combined genes of an Emperor-Class beast mixed with her multiple personalities? The results would be devastating."

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