Chapter 29

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As the flight landed, Karishma was moving from the aircraft with Captain Strew, and on her way to the pilot lounge, she met Natasha. A wide smile spread across Natasha's face as Karishma nodded and reciprocated with a slight smile.

Captain Strew noticed this and was surprised because he had never seen Karishma befriend anyone, so he whispered to her, "I guess that girl is in you. Just look at that smile which is reaching her eyes after seeing you"

Karishma was astonished and awkwardly replied,"There is nothing like that between us."

"Then, make sure something happens, as she is beautiful and seems to be a loving and loyal kind of person too." said Captain Strew and walked away, leaving the two alone with each other.

There was silence in the lobby and both were looking at each other. Finally Karishma moved toward Natasha and asked “ Hi how are you being and what's up with Andy???”

“Hi, I am good and Andy’s doing well too. I guess you have got a little fan now” replied Natasha with a smile.

“Ohhh come on, you are just exaggerating ”retorted Karishma being awkward at her remark.

“No she talks about you all day long and keeps asking me about you” said Natasha genuinely looking at her.

While scratching her eyebrows, Karishma replied, "She's an adorable child, and I've already told my mother about her and our coincidental meeting", and quickly added, "and of course about you and our our uneventful first encounter as well".

Natasha teasingly said, "That's great, I hope you told her about how you compensated for your rude behavior by getting coffee the other day”

Karishma smiled and said, "Of course, she's glad we are now on good terms."

There was silence once again between them, until Natsha said, "So captain, I'll take a leave now."

"Yes, of course, and please convey my regards to Andy, and I have a surprise for her will plan to meet her as soon as possible." Karishma replied.

I'm sure she would love to meet you as well, Captain" said Natasha.

After saying goodbye to each other, both of them left for their respective places.

Karishma headed to the pilot's lounge for a quick freshen-up, and she was free today according to her schedule. Suddenly, someone dragged her into the room. While kissing her, the person locked the door from inside.

Karishma was shocked and tried to free herself, but was not able to do so. Eventually, she pushed the person away with all her strength. She rubbed her lips in disgust and looked at the person in rage, asking, "What the hell?".

The gorgeous woman in her 20s stood on the floor with hazel green eyes, jet black hair, and an amazing figure that clearly showed she had worked hard for it.

The woman standing in front of Karishma, coming close to her and placing her hands on her shoulder, said, "Oh, this attitude and these deep dark eyes make me absolutely crazy for you."

“I want you to stay the f*** away from me and who are you????” Karishma asked and jerked her hands away from her with as much resentment as possible.

As the women walked around Karishma, she said, “Oh, we haven't been introduced officially, so let me introduce myself. I'm Athena Hughes, my dad owns Great Bay Airlines." Then she reached out for Karishma and touched her jaw, saying, “Come on sweetheart, I just thought we could have a little bit of fun.”

Stepping back once again Karishma said “Just leave I am not interested in this shit”

A smirk appeared on Athena’s face as she sat on the couch and threw her hair over her left shoulder, "Ohh come on, it's just a fling you give me what I want, I'll give you what you deserve."

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