Promise To A Loved One 2/2

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*This took soooo long*

M/n opens his eyes and Looks around the room he was in, he noticed that he was in a palace, in a training room to be was a very familiar place. He didn't know why but it was very familiar to him.

The male begins to feel a strange feeling in his heart, the feeling of betrayal , sadness and anger. He knew the feeling all too well after all he felt 3500 years ago the same.

M/n ponder for a minute. 'I'm 3500 years in the past shortly after -#/&¥%• cheated. I'm guessing..It also means I'm in Belialuin' Someone bursts through the big door snapping m/n out of his thoughts. Turning around M/n was met with a familiar face.

'Hey M/n! ready for the Training?' The brunette asks M/n who just stares at him shocked. 'Damn i know I'm pretty but please no need to fawn over me' The male named Leonardo says with a laugh. 'Leo..' M/n mumbles and Leonardo nods. 'It's me.. you're acting strange' he says suspicious.

M/n laughs awkwardly. 'No....'

'Alright..' Leo shrugs letting it go. He holds out one of his hand making a white Bright light appear. He quickly sends in towards M/n with a grin. A confused M/n dodges the light with ease. What in the world is happening. 'What is this abou-' The male grunts as the light hits him making him fall down.

Leo chuckles before standing in fighting stance. 'We're training remember? Your father demanded for you to train to get stronger' he says and tries to punch the male. M/n catches his fist just in time. 'I still remember how you begged me to help you..' Leo begins to laugh loudly making M/n a bit irritated. He forgot how annoying his old best friend was. Leo gasps as a black hue covers his hands. Leo begins to punch himself not having any control in what he was doing.


'Who's laughing now?' M/n says holding himself back from laughing. The spell disappears and Leo chuckles rubbing his neck embarrassed. 'I didn't expect that one..'

'Alright let's do this! I don't want your dad to beat me up..'



Both males were laying on the floor breathing heavily. M/n runs his fingers through his hair and scrunches up his nose feeling how short it was. Leo was the first one to stand up much to his own dismay. 'C'mon M/n, is almost dinner time..' Leo says and helps the male up. M/n sighs not wanting to see his father. At this point he totally forgot this wasn't real. He didn't realize how much he missed Leo. He didn't want to realize.

'Brother, Brother!' Little Merlin runs up to her brother and M/n stares at her in awe, it's been years since he saw her in this form. For some reason a bit after they met Meliodas, Merlin changed her appearance to look older. It did disappoint M/n a lot, he loved Merlin..he loved his little sister.

'Hey Merlin!' M/n greets her with a smile and Merlin laughs before making herself float up to be almost the same height as M/n. 'You're gonna have dinner with me today, right? You've been missing dinner since you came back from your last date..' Merlin says with a frown. Noticing how M/n's face fell Merlin changed the subject. 'How was your training?..' She asks as she begins to heal her brother tiny wounds.

'Great actually, your brother got a lot better!' Leo tells Merlin and she nods.

M/n whines dramatically. 'I'm hurt! Please give me a hug!' he says with a fake frown on his face. Merlin looks at him and begins to cry. 'Don't be sad!' she cries out and hugs M/n. The male winks at Leo making him chuckle.

'I want a hug!' Leo shouts with a wide grin. Merlin pulls back holding M/n's arm. (Still floating... Merlin's short guys). 'No! Big brother is mine!' Merlin shouts with a glare and M/n begins to laugh loudly. Leo soon joined making Merlin a bit confused. She shakes her head and pulls her brother to the door. 'Let's eat!' she says grinning widely.

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