The Tragic Strike

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Elizabeth and Melony turn their backs and start to walk away. Probably to talk about what's coming next. Neither of the males present noticed, they kept their eyes on each other.

'Are you sure?' Meliodas speaks all of a sudden, his eyes shine with worry. 'I mean it has nothing to do with you...'

'You don't have to do this.'

M/n sighs giving him a "Are you serious look". 'I already told you. I don't care if I'm in danger, you're worth it all. I would rather fight for you and end up dying than have to fight with you and have you dying.' he repeats the same words he said hours ago making the blond's cheeks gain a pinkish color.

'Besides, if you die, how can you tell me what you've been meaning to tell me?' the mage smirks knowingly, stepping closer, Meliodas didn't stop him.

'So amusing, huh?' Meliodas says and crosses his arms unfazed. 'I don't know if telling you is a wise choice.'

'Well, it doesn't matter what you decide. It doesn't matter if you push me away. I'll always be here.'  M/n puts his hands on Meliodas's shoulders and pulls him into an embrace. 'We'll be okay. It doesn't matter if it's a normal friendship or a friendship about two friends who kissed each other and now it's awkward... friendship. We'll survive.'

'And if you want to push me away after all this because every inch of your body is telling you to do so , then I'll respect your decision.' he held him tighter. 'Just let me have you until then, please.' he whispers. Meliodas nods slowly, leaning his head against M/n's chest and wrapping his arms around his waist.

'You'll have me until then...' The taller sighs satisfied trying not to think about Gowther's plan that probably already has begun.




'A beautiful flower for a beautiful man...'  the brunette says with a wide grin.

The mage scoffs but couldn't help but smile slightly amused. 'Really?' he takes the flower from the demon's hands. It was indeed beautiful. It made him smile even more. 'What's the occasion?'

Leo shrugs. 'I guess I have something to confess.' he says almost shyly.

M/n looks down at the white flower and hums. 'Well, spill it. What is it?'

The brunette puts a hand on the other's shoulder. 'It's a Gardenia flower.' he explains, looking deep into those yellow eyes he learned to love. 'There is something about this flower you need to know...' he whispers.

M/n furrows his eyebrows intrigued. 'Yeah?'

'It has an special meaning...' Leo swallows thickly before smiling again.

'And...? What's this important meaning?'

'You're old enough to figure that out, M/n. Maybe try searching it up in a book...' Leo's eyes show nervousness, hope and something else. 'Gardenia, don't forget it.'

And then he walks away, leaving the mage troubled.

He already knew what the flower meant.

He didn't know what to do.

Short and simple because this chapter can't have M/n or Meliodas in it. Next will be better (hopefully)

Gardenia. Gardenia. Gardenia. Gardenia.

Sorry for the wait school's killing me. So many fucking tests.

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 5 (4) Episode 5


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