The Salvation of the Sun

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The moment M/n arrived by his sister he got knocked away together with Merlin after Luduciel crashed against them.

'Just my luck.'

'Merlin, are you okay?' M/n asks when the girl rises from the debris. The said girl nods twice before looking over at Luduciel who also sits up after the fall.

'I'm sorry. I don't get it.' Luduciel apologizes. 'Something's wrong. This demon should have accumulated quite a bit of damage by now.' he whispers while looking at the tall standing beast. 'However, it seems like his output just continues to increase. How is that possible?!'

M/n shakes his head and helps Merlin up. 'He's using his life to gain more power. He's practically destroying himself.' he states after making sure Merlin is in her original position again, doing the spell. 'Don't attack him any further. It's far too dangerous.'

'As expected. You have good judgment.' the great beast says. 'What perplexes you is this, the more I use up my life, the more my power increases. This is my true magical power. Crisis!'

It starts to approach them slowly. 'And for acting against my punishment sentenced by the Demon King, and returning to my original form, my flesh will soon crumble.'

'We just have to stay alive until he can't, easy enough right.' M/n whispers to himself.

'For the birth of the new Demon King, there is nothing I wouldn't do.' he raises his sword, ready to strike. Luduciel flinches back and M/n looks at him in disbelief. 'I will offer my life to bring it to fruition!'

M/n expected pain and blood but instead, he got light and warmth. From the dark clouds, a powerful ray of sunlight fell upon the great beast, covering it whole. 'What?' he sneers confused as he stops his attack and M/n sighs relieved. 'My technique, Darkness, shouldn't allow this!'

'Escanor?' the mage ponders. 'No. Not him.'

The light gets bigger and bigger, destroying the night and dark clouds hovering in the sky. M/n wasn't looking at any of that and not even at Mael who seemed to have regained his memories. His eyes met her orange ones, he felt her relief and she felt his.

The bottom of Diane's hammer hits the ground as she stands proudly next to King. Who was looking damn fine. M/n would never admit it though. A little further was Hawk who had taken one of his special cubes and had now wings. On top of him was Gowther. His Gowther. Who was missing an arm...

M/n makes a face. 'Who did that...'

And last but not least, Elizabeth. Her paper white wings allowed her to float as she stares at one of her best friends with relief and concern. M/n feels his lips quirk up the slightest.

'Estarossa, you're back.' Zeldris says with an unusual smile. 'It's good to see you. No, wait you're Mael.' Zeldris didn't seem surprised or bothered by this. 'What business do you have with this place now? If you're awake you should just hurry back to the celestial realm where you belong.'

Mael doesn't falter. 'I have come here as I am partly responsible for bringing about the Holy War. However, I did not come with the intention of settling things through combat. If you promise to allow the prevention of Meliodas's transformation into the Demon King and withdraw the Demon Clan force, I will not get involved in this matter at all.'

The Original Demon scoffs. 'How dare you attempt to disrupt the birth of the new Demon King!' he lunges forward to attempt an attack on Mael, but all it took was one flick of his wrist and a huge fireball is sent the demon's way. Both the attack and Demon crash in the distance, leaving almost everyone shocked and a ton of smoke.

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