A Meeting With The Unknown (1/2)

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Staring ahead of him at the unbelievably hot environment made him think, why would anyone want to go to this place willingly? He still remembers his partner telling him about his father and how he spent seconds in Purgatory only to return completely ill.

Luckily the man survived and according to M/n healed to perfection. And of course who other than M/n to do this. His partner said that his father was curious and fascinated and that's why he decided to explore the Purgatory. And that's when the question from before comes to mind. Why would anyone want to be there? Why would anyone want to go here?

Meliodas put his arms behind his neck and sighs. But it wasn't a sad one, he was relieved. Finally, he wasn't alone. It was like a huge stone was lifted off his shoulders. 'I'd completely given up on going back. Searching for Melony in this place was impossible. I honestly thought I'd never be able to get out of Purgatory at all'

'Or see M/n, you, or anyone else again, either.' Ban listened quietly from the place where he was sitting next to the blond who stood instead of sitting down. 'This is a real shock.'

'But why are you in Purgatory anyway?' Meliodas asks with a teasing tone while removing his eyes from upfront and letting them rest at Ban instead. 'Did Mister Ban the Undead finally get taken out?'

'No, you idiot.' Ban shakes his head, a smile covering his features. 'Come on, now. I obviously came here to find you and bring you back home'

Meliodas's eyes widened as he removes his arms from behind his neck. A tint of hope entered his body along with eternal gratitude. 'Wait a second. You know a way back? Is that what you're saying?'

Ban stares blankly at the blond, the realization hitting him like a brick. 'Oh...'

Meliodas's shoulders fell from excitement to disappointment. 'Are you that stupid? You recklessly dove in here without knowing how to get back out again?' he looks at Ban completely blankly, barely being able to hide his frustration. 

Ban rubbed his head equally frustrated before leaning it against the palm of his hand. 'Give me a break. What did you expect?' He asks with a sigh. 'I had no choice. I couldn't leave you alone in this craphole '

Meliodas gave him a smile. 'Guess it pays to have idiots for friends' he says with a small laugh, one that Ban returned. 'Well we've got plenty of time to figure it out'

'Yep. Two heads are better than one. Let's do it!'




Meliodas and Ban were hiding behind a rock. The blond turned to his best friend. 'There are two different types of creatures that exist in Purgatory' In the meantime a huge black caterpillar crawled from behind the rock. It's red eyes searching for prey.

'Foreign creatures are the kind that originate from souls that fell here' he explains, both ignoring the huge monster behind them. 'And end up becoming savages'

Ban pointed at the caterpillar that passed them. 'So like the monsters you and I turned into'


When the caterpillar wasn't anywhere close to them, Ban and Meliodas stood up and ran over to watch another Demon that had pink skin and black dots all over its body.

For a strange reason, it also has long blond hair and a dog snout. It only has two legs and a long tail. It was quite a figure. 'The second type are indigenous creatures. They were born here and have substance'

'They are the ones we should set our sights on. For example, we can make clothes out of the materials we harvest from them' he finished proudly.

Ban gave his friend a teasing smile. 'You sound like a walking dictionary. Or better like M/n' Ban snickers at his own joke while Meliodas shakes his head but couldn't help but smile anyway. Both turned back to the pink creature. They watch as the caterpillar from before approaches it  with hungry eyes, before it lunged forwards to eat it.

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