The Sin Sleeping in the Forest.

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M/n Pov

'Meliodas, M/n, Are you sure about this? We've been walking for hours and there is no sight of living animals or people' Hawk says hesitantly while looking at us.

'You're right hawk.' Elizabeth mumbles and turns to us also.

'Sir M/ you really think that there's a sin out here?' Elizabeth asks me unsure.

'Probably'  Meliodas answers for me.

'You mean we came here without any evidence?!' Hawk shouts angrily.

I shake my head and turn to Hawk. 'I heard that there's a terrifying monster here...' I say with a wide smirk. 'Watching and Waiting....' I whisper to him and the poor pig looks at me, his eyes wide.

'AHH!' Elizabeth shrieaks all of the sudden, sounding terrified. 'WHAT IS IT?' Hawk shouts concerned and scared as he turns to look at her.

'I felt something touch my back!' 

'Hey relax it was me...There was a bug on your back' Meliodas says while holding a disgusting and yet little bug. 'Ew let it go!' I grimace and slap it out of Meliodas's hand.

'Oh good!'

'Well putting that aside for a minute...' I begin to say as Hawk interrupts me.

'Great I thought you'd never stop.' Hawk whines. I shot him a glare and continue. 'I might have a little evidence.' I say walking beside Meliodas, and Elizabeth was right behind us. 'I- uh.. never mind I forgot...'

'Come on, you slow pigs!' Hawk shouts not listening to me at all. I roll my eyes but start to walk faster anyways. Well, I tried to walk faster, but before I can, Meliodas pulls me right back to his side.

'Hey! Hold your bacon, it's not fun traveling with a nervous piggy.' he exclaims before pausing, his eyes widening together with mine.

'Woah.' Suddenly we're surrounded by Hawks. A lot of Hawks...

'Hey! Don't call me a nervous piggy!' The Hawks shout. One Hawk squeaks 'Oh my god..there's a bunch of me's!' 

Me and Meliodas look at each other.

'Is this the monster of the Forest?' Elizabeth asks confused.

'I find it terrifying' Meliodas mumbles.


'Meliodas, come on, you gotta help me out here!' one of the Hawks shouts running up to us.

'No, I'm the real one.'

'Whatever you faker.'

'Uhm... Meliodas?' I whisper to him and he nods. He then attacks every single piggy with his sword and the Hawks fall to the ground moaning in pain.

'Hawk!' Elizabeth shouts worried.

 'WAAAA Elizabeth' the piggies shout running to stand behind her.

'This is too much for me to handle.' I whine as the fog turns thicker and thicker. I grimace when I suddenly see a lot of me's.

'I'm so confused.' Hawk says.

'Hi Meliodas!' I..They..we shout?. I'm so confused too.

'It's me...You do realise that right?' one of me asks.

'No, I'm the real one'

'Don't trust them it's me!'

'Wow, what a view' Meliodas says grinning widely.

'This is not the time man!' Hawk shouts annoyed.

'Leave this place' a creepy voice says from nowhere.

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