A Single-Minded Love

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Melony watched carefully her surroundings, next to her walked Meliodas, her brother. Just before her was Wild and behind her Ban. Her head was hurting, mainly because that swine wouldn't stop talking. He talked shit after shit.

It seemed like she was the only one who was bothered by it.

'I never would've guessed the door to the world my brother was sent off to was at the Demon King's feet this entire time' he says making the girl rub her forehead with a sigh. 'My...my'

Ban had his hands in his pockets while walking. 'By the way, Wild. Do you know how long the Demon King's been here?'

'Not exactly but he's been acting as he pleases since long before I was born...'

Meliodas hums. 'Well, he was sealed 3000 years ago in the present world's time so it was much longer here.'

Melony chuckles. 'Good for him'

'I also challenged the Demon King countless times, but I was continuously defeated. The current standing is 120,118 to 0!' Wild states and even if he lost every fight he didn't seem bothered.

'I guess we found out that M/n isn't the only crazy one to stand against the Demon King multiple times...' Melony says while laughing quietly to herself.

Meliodas rolls his eyes and nods. 'Never understood why those two have such rivalry. I mean he doesn't hate the Supreme Deity entirely but with our father, it's a different story...'

Ban blinks surprised. 'Are you saying M/n fought them more than once?'

Melony nods. 'With both of them twice and I think with only the Demon King two times too...' the girl shakes her head with a fond smile. 'He won both against the Demon King and lost one against the two of them'

'I'm pretty sure it was our fault, even if M/n insists that it wasn't...' Meliodas says.

Ban laughs. 'Well Wild you might have found yourself a friend for when we're out of here.' he says while playfully patting the swine's body.

After a comfortable silence, which Melony enjoyed dearly, Wild suddenly begins to sing and Melony held back a groan. 'Mi, Mi Mi, Mild, oh! It's time to sleep. Know that I adore you, my little bro'

Ban furrowed his eyebrows. 'What's the deal with that song?'

'It's a special lullaby I used to sing to Mild all the time...' he answers, Meliodas felt his heart clench just a bit.

The blond smiles bitterly. 'You really are a great brother, Wild'

The swine nods happily 'I mean don't all big brothers sing a special lullaby to their younger siblings?'

Melony scoffs, Meliodas doesn't miss that, he frowns. 'I didn't experience that...' she whispered, Meliodas also caught that. He bit down on his bottom lip guilty, he would do anything to hug M/n right now.

Ban looks down at her strangely. 'How was It with you, Captain? I mean you never mentioned him once and you and Melony barely...you know'

Melony grimaced. She hates it

She hates it. The feeling of her nails digging into her skin, the feeling of remembering things she doesn't want to. The feeling of feeling.

She hates it

She definitely hates him

Wild snorts and stares at him with curiosity. 'Oh you have a younger brother too, Mr. Meliodas?'

'If I remember correctly his name was Zeldris, right?'

Meliodas narrows his eyes at the ground. 'Oh, yeah. I don't really talk much about him right?' The group stopped walking when standing by a cliff that led further into the purgatory.

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