That Which Gathers

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The presence of the Original Demon broke the barrier that Meliodas made of darkness like it was nothing. Now M/n and the rest could see the outside and the Camelot castle.

Escanor tries to attack it, but his attack does nothing. 'All we can do right now is hope King and the others join us here as soon as possible.' Merlin says as she comes floating down next to Escanor together with M/n. 'We must hold out until then.'

Escanor shakes his head. 'The three of us are more than enough to take down the likes of them.' he says and M/n would've agreed if he wasn't literally dying right now.

'Oh, don't put on airs. The certainty of your deaths is already a settled matter, and none of your friends will make it in time.' the huge beast says mockingly before it glances to his left. Merlin just teleported there to attack him from the side.

'Exterminate ray!' A purple light comes out of her hand but the demon is quicker. The red light crashes against Merlin and she is sent flying into one of the castle's towers.

M/n's eyes widen. 'Merlin!' he exclaims with concern before narrowing his eyes at the demon and raising one of his hands. 'Ring of Doom.' he whispers causing a Ring of Light to appear on his hand. With a quick flick of his wrist, the ring was sent the demon's way.

Unfortunately for our mage, the Demon reflected his attack by eating it and sending it back to him. His own spell sent him crashing to the ground, making him groan from the newly made scratches.

M/n's eyes widen upon feeling something in the distance. It was coming this way. Fast and powerful. From the ground, M/n could see what seemed to be a spear heading toward Camelot's castle. 'Is that...' he mutters when sitting up to look at it. 'King's Chastiefol.'

'That's King's Chastiefol.' he repeats outloud after he is standing again.

Escanor looks at the spear clashing with the Original Demon and raises an eyebrow. 'If it is...where is he?'

Merlin reappears above them as she looks at it. 'It's likely an attack that's controlled remotely. Did he awaken the true power of the Fairy King?'

'Seems like it. I wonder what happened.' M/n says while holding his side. 'I hope that Elizabeth and Gowther are okay, or I'm about to throw hands.'

M/n didn't look surprised when the Demon cut King's spear into pieces like it was cake, and still didn't look surprised when King's spear became its fourth form, the sunflower.

The gigantic flower opens itself up, the light inside ready to come out. M/n quickly teleports himself off the ground into the air. Pieces of broken ground fly everywhere, and houses from the Camelot's City break down by the impact as the immense power hits the city.

'Incredible.' M/n says to the pair next to him. Thanks to Merlin, Escanor was floating by their side, otherwise he would've been toast. 'Such an immense force.'

Escanor tsks. 'How impertinent.'

But then it vanished, revealing Zeldris standing in front of the flower. 'Original Demon.' he says and M/n starts to regret saving him. 'I'll take care of this one. Crush Escanor and Merlin!'

'At least he doesn't want to crush me.'

And it does what it's told. He opens his huge mouth sending a powerful red light towards the trio but luckily they all dodge it in time.

M/n steps on the ground again and drops himself down on one knee. He takes a deep breath in before narrowing his eyes at something in the distance. 'There is something else coming this way. Something evil.' before he could even think about what it could be, the tube where Melascula was trapped comes out of his pocket. 'What? Why is it moving on his own?'

Before M/n could grab it, the test tube began to break until the little sneak was out. His eyes widen when the commandment comes out of her body and heads towards the sky where it mixes together with the rest of the missing commandments that have been heading this way for this exact purpose.

Those were the last commandments his boyfriend needed to become the Demon King. M/n stands up straight. 'So it's happening, huh? The Demon King will be reborn.' All  the commandments finally enter Meliodas's cocoon. Meliodas is ready to become the Demon King.

'It's the worst-case scenario, isn't it?' Escanor asks while looking at the cocoon as if waiting for Meliodas to pop out at any second.

Merlin narrows her eyes at it. 'I'm not ready to give up yet!' she says and opens her arms wide open while chanting a spell. M/n recognized it as a time stopping spell.

It could work, but of course, that's not what Merlin wants. A huge clock made of light appears in the sky. 'What spell is that?' Escanor asks bewildered.

M/n sighs. 'Chrono Coffin. It's a forbidden spell.' he says and in no time Zeldris and the Original Demon were heading their way to stop the girl.

The Original Demon raises his sword of darkness before bringing it down but M/n stops him by barely blocking it with his staff. 'Please just keep me  guarded for 12 minutes!' Merlin says before starting to chant the spell again.

While King dealt with Zeldris from a distance. M/n and Escanor try to hold back the Original Demon. But with one hell of a curse and the lack of sunshine, let's just say that it wasn't going very well.

The Demon's sword hits M/n's side, sending him crashing to the ground again. 'It's over.' the demon says when Escanor falls to his knees. M/n could only see Escanor flying into the sky after the attack. He surely will die if he falls to the ground. And even worse he turned back into the weak version of himself.

M/n digs his fingers into the ground as he tries to stand up. His body wasn't doing what he was telling it to do. He never felt so frustrated before. 'Merlin! Get out of there, break the spell!' he shouts panicked as the Original Demon raises his sword to hit her. But it was too late.

Or not. M/n's eyes widen when the one Archangel he hates the most blocks the demon's attack. 'Finish your magic and complete the spell, quickly! I can't guarantee that I'll be able to maintain this state for so long.'

M/n presses his lips shut together when Luduciel looks at him. 'You, stand up and go help her.' he demands and the gratitude M/n had vanished just like that.

He scoffs. 'Don't tell me what to do, asshole.' he whispers extremely annoyed. But stands up anyway, heading towards his sister as slow as he can be.

Because when reading Merlin's mind the only thing she had to say was.

'We need to delay the spell.'

And M/n helping surely wasn't gonna do that.

He only hopes Meliodas will forgive him for this. And everything else.


200k reads!!! Woohoo!!! Thank you soooo much!!

And sorry for the wait! We're so close guys so close for their reunion. I'LL MAKE THE WAIT WORTH IT I PROMISE.

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 5 (4) Episode 9


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