Let There Be Light

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'Now, Full counter!' Meliodas shouts and Calmadios's attack turns around, aimed at the Commandment. The Demon shouts desperately before the attack hits him and he evaporates in thin air.

'Did that finally do it?' Diane asks still alerted. Meliodas smiles his hand on his hip. 'Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure we got rid of him that time..' Meliodas answers calmly causing Diane to relax completely.

'I wonder..-' M/n says also calmly as he appears on Diane's shoulder.

He was interrupted by King 'Oh, come on! How are you both being so calm right now?!' the fairy questions frustrated 'We've got Demons behind us..' King turns to look behind him. The hundreds of Demons standing there previously were gone making King gasp in confusion

'Where did they go?'

Melony alongside Elizabeth comes floating down standing behind King and Diane. 'Oh. I just had them leave' Elizabeth speaks causing both of them to look at her.

'What?! And how did you manage to pull that off?' Diane asks extremely confused.

'Yeah, 'cause those things were on a rampage. What did you do?' King adds to the question. Elizabeth smiles at them. 'All I did was talk to them for a little bit' she replies softly 'No one wants to be in a constant state of conflict, after all'

Melony awes, staring at the girl in admiration. 'Wow, Elizabeth..'

'Hey! You really helped us out there!' An unknown someone shouts. M/n looks down and his eyes catch a pair of crimson-colored ones. 'Thanks to you guys, we're still alive and kicking..' He says before waving at M/n who jumped off Diane's shoulder. 'and an extra special thanks to you! That demon would've eaten me if it wasn't for you'

M/n rubs the back of his neck. 'No problem, Always ready to help handsome guys like you' He says cheekily giving the male a wink.

The guy smiles sheepishly at him. Meliodas glares their way after the interaction as his grip on his sword tightened.

'So, you guys are Stigma warriors, right?' the male asks and Diane mumbles a huh out in confusion. 'Oh you know, that three-race alliance between the Giants and Fairies who are led by the goddesses' he explains.

M/n was about to answer his question from before but was stopped by Meliodas who walks over standing by his side. 'All of us came out here from the Fairy King's Forest' he answers getting a hold of M/n's wrist. The mage glances over at him in confusion and a bit of irritation which Meliodas ignores. 'We heard this place was under attack by the Demon race and wanted to help out'

'Hey, do you think you could let us come on board too?' the still unknown male asks. Meliodas stares at him with a troubled expression. The interaction this guy and M/n had earlier didn't amuse him at all. In fact, the idea of M/n with anyone else but him made his blood boil.

But he was the one to blame...



'You're not gonna answer me?'

'So.. is this how it'll end? With you rejecting me?'

'That's not the question I asked. Please stop with this nonsense. This is already hard enough for both of us'



'i don't see why not. Welcome aboard!' M/n answered noticing how Meliodas was lost in his own world. M/n shakes the blond's hand off his wrist causing Meliodas to instantly come to his senses and look up at him.

'Yeah, welcome aboard..' Meliodas says giving the male a sheepish smile.

'You can call me Rou' Rou says holding his fist out for a fist bump. Meliodas glanced at his hand before fist-bumping him.

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