Chapter 53

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Midnight lay on her bed wondering about everything that could have changed on the day of her ceremony. The day everything went wrong. With Reaper gone she couldn't do much to change the situation. She got out of her house to find Eggman wherever he was. The number of teens and children that still were inside the houses closest to hers made her sick. I've gotta change this. Midnight continued walking throughout the quiet town that seemed empty now without anyone.

The silence was something she hadn't had in years in the town. It was an odd feeling. Very eerie for her as she walked. At least she didn't have to worry about the drunks with hangovers approaching her. It was the day that she would finally approach the building that had been shut down for years.

Eggman's old base.

Shadow had forbidden anyone from using it ever since Eggman hasn't been able to walk. But now that he could walk once more, he was there. There were several rumors about what Eggman's base was like. But now that she was here, it was completely different. No one was going to stop her from entering the base as they would in the past. Especially now since she was Queen with new responsibilities. Meeting Eggman was nerve-wracking since she had never come to see him here on these terms. There's a first time for everything I guess. Midnight thought as she approached the door.

Knocking on the metal door, a little camera popped out of an opening. "Who is it?" a robotic voice questioned. "Uh... Midnight? The Queen? I'm... I'm here to see Eggman." she announced. The camera went back inside its space before the door opened up. It revealed a dark path inside where Midnight couldn't see where she was heading as she walked inside.

"Hello? Anyone there?" she shouted, her voice echoing throughout the place. No answer. "Eggman, I really hope you're here and I'm not crazy!" she shouted again. Suddenly the lights began to turn on one by one. Each one is by a section. Then in the back, Eggman stood there, his hands together. "Your Majesty!" he shouted gleefully as he approached her. Midnight looked at him confused. "I was wondering when I'd be expecting you. Teens after all enjoy their sleep. Who knows how long you would've been out before I get the news that you were here!" he replied, a wicked smile forming under his mustache.

Midnight huffed. "As if I could sleep in at a time like this. We're in the worst situation in our lives right now and we can't do anything to get our town back." she responded. "Please. You weren't born yet but there were bigger issues that we had then before now," Eggman began to walk in a different direction. Confused, Midnight followed after him.

"Mobians were a pain in the ass before Dark Side inhabitants were forced to move here. I can't remember when we actually got along with those rats on the other side. Especially since Queen Elise refused to help us move. We had to figure out everything on our own. The only reason we were kicked out was that they just couldn't forgive us for our misdoings. But at least we were putting in the effort to change! They couldn't see that though, all they saw were our misdoings. They lectured us thousands of times as if we hadn't noticed all the things we had done wrong before. Ugh. Didn't even bother to see if we had changed. Instead, they were happy to banish us the minute they thought we were trying to steal the Chaos Emeralds."

Midnight nodded her head. She knew that there was always constant drama between them. Never knew how horrible it was until now. "Well I can assure you Eggman, I won't let them rot over there. We need to get them back. Do you have any ideas?" Eggman smiled and fluffed his mustache which barely had gray on the ends of it. "If there's anything I know, you will be the thing that helps us break down Mobius. Think about it. As the Queen and the daughter of the former Dark Side King, it would make a big deal if we used you to lead the rebellion against Mobius. They haven't fought us in years. Launching a warning attack will send them a clear message. But only you can order that attack. So tell me, your majesty, may I do the honors of sending Mobius a little gift?"

Midnight thought for a moment. Shadow had told her several things about Eggman. Some good, some bad. However, she knew he was their best shot at getting their parents back. "What are you thinking about?" she questioned concerned. "My robots have been sitting and collecting dust for years. Why don't we send them over there for a little bit of fun?" Midnight shrugged and nodded her head. "If you're sure it'll make a real impact... then I guess this will be okay. But... this is a one-time thing. I refuse to cause that much chaos in their town." Eggman raised an eyebrow confused. "Why not? These are the same beings that stole your father. Causing chaos would help them get the hint."

A moment of silence filled the room as she frowned slightly. "There are children there. I'm not a complete monster you know." she replied.

"I know... Trust me... I do. I just want to be clear that this is what you want to do." he replied. Midnight nodded her head. "I will fix it. I don't care what it takes."

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