Chapter 62

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A month and a half went by with the new transition for everyone that was trying to get their lives in order. At this point, Mephiles and Infinite both didn't trust anyone except for Silver and Gadget who tried to make their lives easier. Lightning was grateful to be involved in Whisper's life once more and now they were pretty settled with each other (Other than the fact that Lightning doesn't have Ivy). Jet and Wave were on good terms and even Scourge was learning how to get along with Manic. Fiona was trying to adjust to a new lifestyle and had to deal with Tangle being super energetic all the time. Rouge was having a little trouble accepting the fact that she was in a "relationship" with Knuckles, a guy who knocked her out so hard that she needed to be in a hospital. She especially was having trouble confronting her potential feelings about liking him. Shadow though remained in the prison cell that he was held in with visits from Cream and Rouge from time to time.

In Dark Side, all the teens and remaining citizens were growing angry. Their parents hadn't come back at all since the incident. No return from any of them meant that their problems with Mobius weren't changing. Only Midnight could make those changes though. She stood at the edge of her house's balcony and stared out at the barren town. Keeping it together wasn't easy. Smoke approached the doorway leading outside and knocked on the door. Midnight looked over her shoulder to see her best friend. "Night, it's been over a month now... What are we going to do?"

At first, there wasn't an answer. Midnight obviously didn't want to admit there was a problem that they couldn't handle. But it was starting to take a toll on her.

"I know... I haven't had any new updates from Reaper other than my dad's in prison, Rouge is with Captain Knuckles, and the rest of our parents are being treated like we were back when we were trapped in Dark Side. And to think this all happened over some damn Chaos Emeralds in the Museum." she replied. She turned around to face Smoke who continued to stand there patiently. "Look, there's no way any of us can stop them on our own. We could go in there and start up stuff but I know you don't want any bystanders to get hurt. But c'mon Midnight! What else are we supposed to do? We're just sitting back and doing nothing! I say we actually make a strike!" he cried.

Midnight's ears perked hearing his words. "A strike..." she said, repeating his words. Smoke cocked his head confused. "Come on... We're going to see Eggman."

Together they rounded up Fade, Diamond, and Mystic to go to Eggman's base. When they reached the place, they were stunned to see that Eggman's base had evolved from the last time any of them had visited him. Fade glanced at Midnight. "Are you sure about this? I still don't like this guy..." she questioned. "Fade- you don't like anyone." Diamond scolded.

Fade rolled her eyes. Mystic shrugged. "Honestly, considering our options are slim, this guy's our best bet. And I mean, Nick knows everything he's up to now. I think we're safe." Midnight sighed and reached over and knocked on the door a couple of times. The same camera appeared in the original opening and faced Midnight and the others. "Identification, Midnight the Hedgehog, Smoke Hedgehog, Fade Hedgehog, Mystic the Jackal, Diamond the Bat. State your business." None of the group said anything until Midnight managed to find her voice again. "We need to speak to Eggman. He'll know what it is."

The camera disappeared. A few minutes went by before the doors opened up. They entered the base walking inside briefly before being greeted by Eggman himself who laughed heartedly as he saw them. "Ho ho ho! What a great surprise! I thought after our last brief meeting you'd never want to come back to this side of town. But even you manage to surprise me!" he chuckled. "Listen, I didn't think I'd be back for this... except I think we need to get our point out there." Midnight replied to him. Eggman stopped twisting his mustache and smiled wickedly. "Well! What a strange turn of events! I'm surprised you're willing to even consider this again."

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